• The Vampire House 1
  • The Vampire House 2
  • The Vampire House 3
  • The Vampire House 4

The Vampire House

Human/monster romance at its finest! Overcome species diversity. Meet new and exciting creatures. Learn to cast spells. Train to fight monsters. Study to improve your grades in school!

• Experience a world filled with monsters.
• Study an occult text.
• Romance various monsters and demons.• Develop your athletic prowess, or become a bookworm.

Category : Role Playing

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Reviews (18)

Вас. Д. Oct 10, 2018     

It's a fun, well written, short interactive novel with lovable potential romantic interests. My only complaint is that there's a lot of typos in it, especially grammatical ones. Seriously, the writer uses "your" in places for "you're," and "their" for "there" or "they're," and so on. Please, take some effort to correct those typos. Other than that, lovely game.

Hai. M. May 20, 2020     

Interesting story, but the endings were so abrupt and felt rushed. Id been really careful about building up my stats, which affect literally nothing, and making good choices for the characters and was hoping to have a satisfying ending to make up for the lack of story between the characters: but no. I'm really bummed. If the stats are implemented and the endings are extended this would be a great story.

kum. Jun 10, 2020     

This is the best interactive story I've ever had BUT sadly there is no continuation?! This story is so good and has a lot of potential if only it was expanded/continued! Hopefully you guys could do something with this (like actually completing the story!) I'm sure more readers would want this as well! I do hope there's a continuation/sequel. There still so many questions and mysteries unanswered!! Nevertheless, props to the creators and writers for this! It would definitely be a 10/10 for me!

Sia. D. Dec 27, 2020     

Honestly what can I say, I absolutely love this game I just finished it and already want more of it. I definitely recommend to my friends and family along with others. Love how the game was set up, the only part I wanted to finish was who to bring to the halloween party but the game after it gave me the option of going with nobody but that's ok to since it was overall one of the best games I've seen about vampires plus I love studying old runes Soo definitely download. 😋🥰😀

Lei. L. Sep 16, 2020     

This book is a great read. Also if you guys have plans to make a book two I have a suggestion. First, please make the second book free. Second, the story can continue to where the gamer left off, but a considerable amount of time passed and the character starts to devote himself/herself just like the book's author. Therefore he/her relationship with his/her romantic partner take a turn for the worst, they start becoming distant to each other, and eventually have a falling out. The rest is up 2 u

Chi. B. Oct 21, 2019     

Needs work It would be great if the story was longer.Its a good plot but its very short which is mind boggling because ig youre going to make a game with multiple romanceable characters,we need a chance to get invested in these characters,their back story,and character development.But with the story ending suddenly and abruptly,we miss that chance...

Dom. T. Jul 22, 2020     

I very much enjoyed it, though it was a disappointment the story just ended!? Literally out of nowhere, it was like all the questions that had risen throughout the story were unanswered! No meaning behind the black book No further meaning behind the villain No further meaning behind the gate and the sandbox And I grinded so much on studies, exercise and reading thinking it would all lead to something but it didn't!?! Story is SOOO incomplete

Rei. Jul 7, 2019     

really nice story and world.. Kinda short but is good for a free game ! but you don t have really freedom in many of your chosses trhought the game! you have different endings thats nice.. but throught the game your pushed withouth even asking to critical moments ! I would defenitly for a BOOK ( and not just chapters) longuer and developed in these kind of universe !

Eli. C. Aug 19, 2020     

I really love this app 😍 but the ending. It was totally incomplete. There are more unanswered questions like the black book, the villain, the gate's, etc. Here's hoping that the writer/s will continue this story 😁😍. Totally recommend this app.

Sab. K. Jan 30, 2020     

I really liked the characters and the plot, the world was very cool. But the ending is such a disappointment. It was a great start, but It ended quickly and left so many things unsaid. I didn't even have an ending, since I didn't get all the 6 events for one specific character. I actually thought the story would continue, since we still don't even know who were the people that set fire to the library. What's the point of the skills? What even was that golem thing? I'm hoping for a continuation

Ash. Jun 30, 2020     

I really loved this game but I didn't know that I was supposed to get all 6 interactions with at least one character. It was a bit disappointing to reach the end and have that happen. However I loved the world of this game. Everything was so fun and interesting. Fingers crossed this one gets a sequel or a continuation of some sort.

Ron. V. Aug 21, 2020     

Though the end feels incomplete. The game feels well planned and natural although it would be better if the story continued. I hope that it does get extended by a lot since I don't want it to end soon and comes to a nice ending when it does.

Car. B. Apr 7, 2020     

This books are great! Please add book 1 if there are multiple books or will be multiple books. Getting kind of frustrating playing and then the story end in the middle of things without a real ending to the first book.

All. S. Mar 14, 2020     

It started off strong! But slowly I just lost interest, and the ending was very disappointing. Lots of things weren't answered, not much really happened either, I might try and go back to see if I could get a different ending but I'm not so sure.

Ram. A. F. Oct 18, 2020     

Very beautiful! Almost Equal to the great tournament. I love how it's like an rpg sort of and it never gets old. I've read it about 4 times now, seriously. The concept was great the execution was better. Definitely deserves a sequel!

Cc. S. Oct 19, 2021     

Not Professionally Done. Writing style was very choppy and stunted. It's full of grammatical and punctuation errors. Needs proofreading and re-drafting badly. Weird word choices as if author doesn't understand what some of them mean. Reads like fanfiction written by a talented 12 year old. Not for me. Uninstalling.

Pho. B. Aug 8, 2019     

Low quality in terms of choice importance and choice quanity. Also most of the mechanics such as studying, exercising and reading have next to no impact on the game besides maybe like one experience for each that doesn't change much.

Ast. l. Oct 14, 2019     

It was a fun game too short in my opinion. But i love the world and the choices. Although having the story end if you don't pick someone for the party is kind of lame. Overall I'd recommend for everyone to atleast try it