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TheSynSunKimLipPoetAPP 333ㅡ!

Poet Kim Lip:

Lip Kim 金 笠
Ao 1807 1863

放浪 詩人. Byeongyeon real name Kim (金 炳 淵)

Main Anton.字 the Sacred Heart (性 深), 號 are one people in Nango (蘭 皐) 'Kim hat'
3 出生 Joseon Dynasty in 1807 as the second son of the South of yangbanga statement gimangeun in Yangju, Gyeonggi-do.
Iksun 5 years old when grandfather Kim (金 益 淳) is in Hamhung local time honggyeongrae is born in 1811 in northeastern adverb is being surrendered to the sin chamhyeong nongmingun was the house of pyejok.
Kim byeongyeon this year in 1827 at the age of 20 that were held in baekiljang Youngwol dongheon iksun grandfather Kim (金 益 淳) did not know the whereabouts of an article he built to blame joesang iksun grandfather Kim (金 益 淳) after a manor house geupje Return heard that the sons of the house of regional history could not have been hidden from mother to forgive his sins Tan criticized the award grandfather built the city
At age 22, shortly after that the writing was ordained I canvass the 57 years wandering the country and one in the Jeolla winter clothing when gaeksa (同 福) hat 現 Yeongwol, Gangwon-do hadongmyeon waseokri eda his son ikgyun 山 所 deify Kim hat.

For it is written «Datong gimun 大 東 奇聞», «accompanied gaze 大 東 詩選», has remained fractionally to «crude gaze 朝野 詩選».
Byeongyeon Kim; Kim hat, because the wandering life hiding his identity and lived his works were also scattered around the country.
By yieungsu (李 應 洙) in the 1930s, it is a collection of poetry scattered gimsatgat «gimrip Poems» (1941) came out with this.
 Splurge 詩 Kim hat is (科 詩) and huijak City (戱 作詩) especially famous Chinese character paja (破 字), punning, Korean Hoon Chinese characters, well, luck (韻), eonmun Fugetsu (諺 文 風月), etc. There.
In fact, poetry is lost by Kim hat is a means of amusement and sarcasm is in a severe 民衆 詩 文學 的 significance as a private literature

Kim hat is commonly known as the poet of the wandering humor and elegance
Conflicts with reality in his work, deeply self-conscious, satire of reality, such as it is more or less interested in people exposed 每 his work can be seen 漢 文學 詩 世界 value is not simple.

4. 金 笠 野 錄

金 笠 is 22 歲 家 出 57 歲 客 死 時 36 年 間 遊 浪 人生 流離 乞食 風月 吟 as to what one 行 當代 野 錄 上 include:

日 帝 as 時 痴 堂 姜 斅 錫 compilation 大 東 奇聞 1926 刊 former shipbuilding character biography About this document: the 論 鄭 嘉山忠 節 死 嘆 金益淳 罪 通 于 文.
Atlantic Pyongan day activities 魯 作者 poet who called 稹 eoteumyeo not to mock gimsatgat, this gimsatgat
Largely behind the city neatly in the buffer state of thatch drinking alcohol eulpeun, saying 'that guy once upon how well are.The' La while Saturdays left to avoid a Pyongan, then the land bureau did not step over a lifetime is only one Tidori It conveys.金炳淵 絶 關 西行:
However, this time is the one Pyongan 儒生 一部 金 笠 訛傳 to be built in a plot to 逐出 金 笠 article in the Kansai region
逐客 詩, but it is true that the definite jieoseo 科 體 詩, 責 索 頭,
鄕 試 金 炳 淵 a manor that information on the 20 歲!

Tea House (綠 此 集) of hwangoh (黃 五) has
 "One day period to come jeonghyeondeok the world, sent a letter to me man (奇 男子) here yideora There is indeed gimsatgat Would I like to see that again. If saramdoem like to take a drink and frenzy to build a better city and enjoy the antics aneuni it not yet wept sometimes life really yideora due combs, saying, byeongyeon real name is Kim (金 炳 淵), call the Nango (蘭 皐) . But he rarely did say his real name because everyone usually did not even bother to know the name is called just call him "Kim hat.

Against him, the author of haejang house (海 藏 集) sinseokwoo (申 錫 愚) is saying as follows: "gimdaerip ago (金 大 笠 傳)".
When you go back to the past, some pages out of the building while dozens of pieces, sometimes not even build naohni was like this is that gwangtae.
I love his name one other pub in the past chapter afraid that gwangtae did not ask for money to eat and drink all.
His name jyeoteuna busy ity to say that just because it largely attended wearing your favorite hat, everybody called him only as Kim hat. When I went early in the Kanto region, also I saw the city, and to the rural village school in Kanto exciting his story and recite the poem to the deceased apart: We seem to read poetry (隔世 故人 distant old man) seungcheok have copied it (繩 尺: Best) took the ......
At the time, his name was widely known as such, and, with his cigar 傳 norago Fused to punk from the mouth of many people.

5. 金 笠 文 獻 等

金 笠: literature include known about 金 炳 淵, 해동시선(海東詩選),대동시선(大東詩選),대동기문(大東奇聞),녹차집(綠此集),해장집(海藏集), Geumok (金玉), sulfur tea house (黃綠 此 集), Dongkuk City (東 國 詩), and the like indispensable House (必 携 集).
Thaw in the eye is placing his poetry is river deposit (入 金剛), accompanied gaze upon Iran is carrying youngrip (詠 笠).
And all the rest of the books and records and the electric about him, especially haejang that will only record the home of sinseokwoo are rated for the electrical and literature generally more gimbyeongyeon.

□ Reference Books

宋 新 山 著 金 笠 詩 百 Google 2013
黃 憲 植 編 gimsatgat 詩

Category : Books & Reference

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