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Time Machine

Yes, this is a time machine. Have you ever think about own a time machine or use it. Go to the future or go back to the old times. Yeah! That's what we are talking about. Imagination can do anything. That brings you to the old moment and time, bring to future. What do you want to do? What do you want to see?Enjoy it. Thanks!

Category : Casual

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Reviews (22)

Cha. C. Apr 2, 2014     

This hardly does anything, and if it did it would take years. Complete waste of time and is 5 minutes of my life that I will definitely never get back. Description of the app is written in very poor English (think they're possibly related to Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Vin. Dec 3, 2016     

Guys you are so stupid to think thus works. Don't download this, I downloaded it just to say this. Wormholes allow travel to an alternative universe or time stream. Black holes have such a gravity that they change every mm. That creates a hole in time space continuum. Also going away from planets makes you younger. This happens because gravity effects time. When there is higher gravity, the time slows. Peace

Ste. T. Nov 21, 2013     

I went to year 2028, saw myself but couldnt say anything. Recommended app. The key is : dont stare on your screen, just close your eyes. Your heart will beats faster and you suddenly in new place with new time. For about 30 seconds only. This is scary

Sil. K. Jul 26, 2016     

I 've always dream about time travel. This machine help me fulfill my dream. Although it is unpleasant experience while travelling, you feel at ease once you reach your destination. I am from future ( from 2095, but I want to travel back to 2016 to view history... So here I am! Great machine .

Jus. D. Jan 31, 2017     

Idiots everybody who said that this is a good app are idiots the creators of this app are idiots this is crap does not work at all. I put in a date and then it just randomizes whatever the f*** date it wants and then says sorry went wrong way can't even use proper English in this stupid app

Jam. C. Aug 7, 2015     

Words can't even describe this. How you managed to achieve this in 2013 I will not know (we only discovered it 2047 folks). You are a genius. Maybe I should head home now.... it is also cool how the people around you believe that you have always been there. Right, I'm heading back to 2059, or should I should I say heading forward?

Jng. D. Oct 3, 2016     

When I tried to time travel it says me transfer failed you just go to the wrong way

Jos. T. Jan 20, 2017     

This thing don't even work, I tried but it said sorry buddy. If it worked for me then I'll give it 5 stars, since you people always begging people to rate it high

A. G. u. Mar 13, 2015     

Hello people Call me the Doctor. Be lazy if you do it will prevent the extension of energy A.K.A The end of the world.

Yas. B. May 27, 2015     

The Developer is just making us Fool for Sometime and he is Definitely Wasting our Time.

And. D. Dec 31, 2013     

Way to loud and high pitched, dose not work and love the advertising right in the center of the app screen.... fail

max. h. Jan 13, 2015     

Whenever you type in a date it just says this after some really loud music: 'Sorry buddy! Transfer failed. Try again some other time.' The last date I type in the app was January 17, 2056. I was expecting it to give information on historical dates.

Aks. G. Oct 18, 2016     

Don't waste your time this app doesn't works, It always shows sorry buddy you are on wrong way and anyway time machine is only possible on black holes or warm wholes only. So don't waste your time Guys.

Ber. D. Jan 5, 2014     

People Are Fool they thought that they will go back to the past. They rate this as 1 star because they're still in 2013 when they go back. Such Fool. Anyway this App is Great.

kal. Apr 9, 2017     

I'm upset because It didn't take me to the future so I hate you and I hope your snails die from heart failure

Dam. L. T. Nov 29, 2015     

Who builds a time machine and gives it out to everybody for free? And let's say it does work, why tell anyone, let alone make a review about it here? All the goverment agencies in the world would be out to get you. So no, I'm not gonna tell you guys if it did work. :)

Bir. Nov 8, 2017     

Stupid lol.This app doesn't even pretend its real. I got Jesus and wont be harmed not by subliminal attempts nor by oriental witchcraft. Kept saying failed, that I went the wrong way. Stupid uninstalled, probably cybercriminals.

A. G. u. Jul 30, 2017     

Anyone can you please tell me how to use this app. After I start transfer after few seconds it says Sorry buddy you went wrong way. Try again later

The. T. Dec 11, 2015     

It always says sorry buddy you just go the wrong way. How made this crap app is a idout.

Ty. T. G. Jun 28, 2015     

I put 4 years ago and It worked! Then I taped the past me's mouth and locked him in a closet and I spent my birthday over 4 years ago! To make this work you have to focus it on you, this is a dangerous machine, but I had to fight past me, after the party xD

All. M. Dec 28, 2015     

I appeared 25 years in the future but the whole world is war torn, you didn't say this was going to happen....

Pus. R. Jun 4, 2017     

I went to past and future all saw a dog, stupid app doesn't work all the time say sorry buddy