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Tiny House Design Plans

Tiny houses movement has gained momentum in the last few years. Part of that movement are homes called tiny houses on wheels. They are small houses constructed of standard materials and are built and secured to the frames of trailers, and can be pulled behind a vehicle just like a travel trailer.
These small homes range from approximately 65-140 square feet. Because they are on wheels, they are considered travel trailers, and do not require a building permit. Of course they have to meet Department of Transportation guidelines size limitations, but you can basically much put one anywhere you can place an recreational vehicle. Many people place them in back yards, and use them as spare rooms, or office space. They are also used as primary residences, also in parked in a back yard, RV parks, or placed on personal lots of land.

If you haven't heard the term "Tiny House" you can correctly assume that it describes a very small house design, but there is a movement now to build and live in tiny houses by people who don't necessarily need to. Many just want to live in a tiny house, for environmental reasons and even for spiritual reasons, to reduce one's carbon foot print and to live without so many material trappings. In a web search for Tiny Houses you will see some houses that look like little Hobbit cottages, mini-mansions, wood sheds, and just about any architectural style in miniature form. Some Tiny Houses are built on the ground while others are on wheels and appear to be no more than glorified campers.

Not all neighborhoods welcome small houses. Some have building codes that specify a range of home sizes. Neighbors may despise them in fear of a drop in real estate value. On top of that, how different do you want to be from your friends or colleagues? Our residence is a display of our status, wealth, and success.

After all, it takes a special kind of mindset, personality, and motivation to choose tiny homes over gigantic mansions. On one hand, there's freedom from financial and geographical restraints. On the other hand, there's a great social norm to conform to in order to fit in. Could you live in a tiny house? So you have to download this app that you know about tiny house. In this app already available many tiny house design and plans! Download now and enjoy!

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (29)

Lan. E. Feb 2, 2020     

When u click on the pic it automatically zooms in so much that you cant see the pic clearly. And requires u to allow access to ur pics videos etc....... 🤨

Pat. C. Apr 16, 2019     

zero stars! just a bunch of crappy pictures of tiny homes most of them not even good quality completely pointless!

Ama. H. Aug 29, 2020     

Give a 1 because i cant give a zero.... I thought this was a design game... My tiny dreams are gone. 😭

Wil. K. Nov 7, 2019     

Very nice selection of Tiny Homes. I really enjoyed viewing!!

jan. Jun 23, 2020     

Literally no one would need anyting that it in this app it is just pictures that you could find on the internet.

joa. p. Sep 8, 2020     

Not a desing plan, only photos to have as background. Waste of time

Pin. Jun 21, 2020     

I thought it was like plans and details of a tiny house. Its just pics of tiny houses. No purpose at all

Mya. E. Feb 1, 2020     

Pictures of tiny houses..no design..just a few pictures..stupid..

Har. S. Nov 26, 2019     

It would help if line diagram with dimensions is included and approximate cost is indicated.

She. M. Aug 9, 2020     

Have not physically used thid yet but plan on iy first i need to look aee and sesign what is best for me Thankyou so very much

Hou. o. L. Jan 26, 2020     

It was just cool pictures, no planning help

Mik. F. May 13, 2020     

Awful. I want to design my own house. Not user friendly.

Mit. M. M. Mar 17, 2020     

Lots of ads

Jus. K. Sep 1, 2020     

Change the app name this is just pictures of tiny houses.

Gra. M. Aug 20, 2020     

I thought it was for designing tiny homes well it wasn't

Arm. S. I. Jan 5, 2020     

Pic quality and what you can look at very poor

Jes. N. Jan 17, 2020     

Not what it says. Just pictures

Bri. P. May 20, 2020     

Crappy app. Dont bother downloading it

Bil. B. Jul 3, 2019     

Not helpful at all

Jod. N. Sep 29, 2018     

The app says plan.... plan what... Its only pics

Rog. R. Jan 24, 2020     

No design plans just pic of tiny house

Ama. C. May 8, 2020     

Bull. Just wallpaper

Fra. C. Feb 11, 2020     

Loving the ideas

Ray. J. Aug 25, 2019     


Kat. B. Aug 10, 2020     

Its nothing

Don. D. Sep 1, 2018     

Just shows pictures of the tiny homes does not show floor plans or nothing

00. Jul 17, 2017     

It's just a website converted to an app with a useless gallery which has an unimpressive limited set of pictures of tiny houses. There are no blue prints no fabrication or carpentry tips. Nothing. There's nothing worth keeping this app for.

Sha. D. Mar 15, 2017     

U should NOT be able to get my contacts and photos..

Ste. B. Feb 17, 2018     

I think house plans information easy as this I started with my cricket wireless is good..your welcome.. I'm smart and caring..