• Train Dominoes 1
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  • Train Dominoes 4

Train Dominoes

Train dominoes is based on my families version of Mexican Train Dominoes (also known as Chicken Foot). Generally these two are the same but this version has more simplified, rigid rules.
For those of whom do not know, Train Dominoes is played with hands of 7 dominoes. Players take turns playing dominoes where matching permits, on what is referred to as a train. There is one Public train on which any player can play. There are also trains dedicated to each player. You may play on your own train at anytime, but can only play on other players trains when they fail to play a domino. The same applies to your train. If you are unable to play any domino you are permitted to draw a single domino and try to play that one. If you are unable to play the domino you drew you must pass and your train will open up to the other players. First one to get rid of their dominoes wins the round, the player with the lowest score at the end of the game wins.

Category : Card

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Reviews (3)

Pau. a. A. A. Jun 3, 2015     

Should improve 1 version before spreading it. Windows 8 version is barely playable, once you get used to all the odd quirks, like having to click through all players to see where to play. While that's forgivable on a phone (NOT on a pc), it's hard to play when you can't see all the bones because they're so big, and touching them to move them makes them pop up so that it thinks you're trying to play it. The play is not much better on the pc. Smaller dominoes would help. Or holding a finger on it to play it?

Coc. E. Feb 14, 2015     

The scoring is messed up etc

Jef. K. Dec 25, 2014     

I love it.