• tricks & tips  Donkey Kong  Arcade Run 1
  • tricks & tips  Donkey Kong  Arcade Run 2

tricks & tips Donkey Kong Arcade Run

Donkey Kong Arcade Run is a classic nes adventure game in which the hero Kong must run and collect coins instead of Banana. Like all classic nes arcade games, Donkey Kong Arcade Run is fun and easy to play.
Use the buttons to avoid enemies and obstacles, and try to win every level to collect the most bananas. The more bananas you harvest, the higher your score will be. We created the game Donkey kong Arcade: Kong arcade Run so you can experience the true pleasure of banana nes.

This application make you a super gamer adeventure than will show you how to know the tricks and techniques to play this game donkey kong and help you play well without losing in any stage

Category : Arcade

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Reviews (3)

Kel. C. Feb 21, 2020     

This one of best Arcade ever growing up & it still is. I have the coleco mini Arcade & i still do over this year's. And i have DK Arcade on my phone. That's cool. It bring back memories.🦍

FJ. T. Mar 17, 2020     

Not only is this not a game, in case you didn't see that in the title, it is not showing any tips or tricks for the game.

onl. w. t. t. o. h. .. Jan 31, 2020     

Not game game guide will couse phone to foreclose if uninstalled