• Turku Public Transport 1
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Turku Public Transport

The Turku Föli application allows you to buy a single ticket for a child or an adult (period of validity 2 h) or a travel ticket (period of validity 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or 14 days) that is valid on public transport in Turku, Kaarina, Raisio, Naantali, Lieto, and Rusko.
You must be registered to buy a ticket. The available payment options are iQ payment, a bank or credit card, and operator billing. A payment method surcharge will be added to all ticket prices.

Further information about Turku region public transport: www.föli.fi

Category : Travel & Local

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Reviews (24)

Jam. S. Jan 8, 2022     

Why do I need to register to look at a time table. Continuing without registration requires a pin. How do you get such a pin without some sort of registration.... Hmmm. The website will have to do, and will probably do better than the app for basic queries.

Kri. A. Oct 3, 2018     

App has always worked great for me, and still does. However, after switching phones I noticed that confirming purchase using fingerprint reader is not working on the Pocophone F1. The next step (confirm payment thru MobilePay) the fingerprint works fine.

Pat. P. Mar 23, 2022     

I keep getting the error code 991 and can't buy tickets. I don't have WIFI or VPN on and have a valid phone operator within Finland. What is the issue?

Paa. J. Dec 19, 2021     

Zooming the map view of bus lines does not work on my phone (Xiaomi Redmi). The app is also occasionally out of order. Otherwise a decent app.

Joo. H. Jan 24, 2021     

Downloaded and bought a ticket in less than 60 seconds --> easy and usefull app.

A. G. u. Nov 12, 2018     

User friendly and very handy for reloading travel cards.

Jua. S. A. D. M. Oct 28, 2021     

Don't know why making an app with bus schedules if the busses are going to pass early anyways.

Dev. S. Jan 25, 2022     

Very buggy sometimes it won't open

gle. w. w. Sep 23, 2020     

Got it to load after 3 hrs, now working ok

A. G. u. Jun 11, 2018     

This app is so far working really great. After registering with an account, it was easy to add payment method, add a travel card and finally TOP UP the card. All changes got reflected in the app instantaneously. Great job.

A. G. u. May 4, 2018     

Works alright for the most part except when it randomly buys me three tickets instead of one. 6 euro extra down the hole Edit: turns out it's just the Nokia 8 thumbprint scanner that's just a bit weird cos it's also the home button; if you've the same phone, use the PIN code instead

Phi. O. Mar 9, 2018     

Dear developers. You did a great app, but it just does not work 90% of tries. At times, when it happens to function, it is really helpful, but 1. Why it hangs when the network changes? 2. Why it loses something in the network and resets the view? 3. Corollary: why does it need the network so much? Is a bus timetable a classified information that can NOT be stored offline? 4. Screenshots. Guys, it is a malpractice. You have socially important data and lock it from offline use. 5. Payments. Why do you need my phone number? You already have the IP-connection, use it.

Jak. J. Feb 11, 2018     

The app does not allow screenshots and doesn't allow you to save a trip?! A joke

Tuo. T. Aug 4, 2017     

Couldn't register because I never received the PIN code via txt message.

San. T. Jun 19, 2017     

Spent hours but could not register. Never got activation code.

rus. m. Nov 14, 2016     

useless? Read the other reviews and you know why.

Rei. K. Jul 25, 2016     

Kaikessa helppoudessaan aivan ihana; ei enää tarvetta juosta automaatille nostamaan rahaa bussia varten ja lipun ostettuasi toimii vaikkei olisi nettiyhteyttäkään! Pitäkää ruutu kirkkaana! [English:] Wondeful in all its easiness; no need to run to an ATM to get money for a bus ride, and after you've bought the ticket you can use it even if you don't have internet connection anymore! Keep the screen bright though!

ing. b. Sep 19, 2016     

This is an app for just paying, no timetables, no bus stop info and on top of all that its cheaper and and more comfortable to just pay with cash.

Ala. S. Jul 15, 2016     

What the point if I will pay additional fee for booking.. I'll pay cash then

Mar. S. Aug 31, 2016     

The tickets bought through the app cost MORE than when paid with cash!?! Are you insane?!

Leo. S. Dec 21, 2015     

The qr code is very small and it didn't blip when I showed my phone. Luckily the bus driver said it was okay anyway. Make it like the passbook app for iPhone where the qr code enlarges and brightens the screen when pressed. Extra fee is bad. Cash payment should have an extra fee instead for obvious reasons. Thanks.

MT. Jun 5, 2015     

This program is a worthless piece of ****. More often than not, it's plagued by completely arbitrary issues, resulting in wasted money. Just now I couldn't board a bus because this POS-app/program glitched. Had to go back home and get physical money. Thanks for making me miss an appointment AND waste 3 euros!

Mar. K. Aug 14, 2014     

A very useful app but crashes every time. Annoying extra fees.

a. m. Feb 10, 2018     

Maps and buttons are a bit slow to respond. I guess it works.