• UFO Detection Camera 1
  • UFO Detection Camera 2
  • UFO Detection Camera 3
  • UFO Detection Camera 4

UFO Detection Camera

This program is designed to monitor the air using the built-in camera. If the sky is found far into the small object such as an airplane, a bird or a UFO, the program will start to save a series of pictures or record the video.
Conventional motion detectors only count the percentage of changed pixels in the frame. This program is set up specifically to find small objects and eliminates noise.

The source of the frame, you can select the video stream from the camera or pictures. Photographs preferable because they are of higher resolution and smaller objects will be more visible.

Assume that the program is set up to react to objects that occupy only 20 pixels in the photo. If UFOs in the sky appears to be occupied by a total of 20 pixels, the motion detector is triggered and start recording.Also the program can simply submit an audio signal when an object is detected.

During the program run, you need to install the phone still!

To configure the program information is displayed:Max 20 px
- the maximum number of pixels in objects foundMax diff 39
- is the maximum difference in pixels, recorded in the search of objectTo configure the program is recommended to set a high value "Object size", for example, 2000 and then watch what objects have been found at a given value of "Pixel difference". If the values ​​found Max diff is much less than the predetermined threshold, it is possible to increase the sensitivity of the motion detector, lowering the value of "Pixel difference", so it was a bit more values ​​"Max diff". Then you need to set the lowest possible value "Object size", but high enough to avoid false positives. If a UFO appears, it will take a few pixels on the screen.

Known issues: on older devices (before Android 3.x.x) program may fail with OutOfMemory exception. If this happens, try to choose a finer resolution of the frame.

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (7)

ben. a. Oct 26, 2018     

needs to change storage in settings but due to it's size i give it all the stars available thanks a lot

Rod. M. Jul 23, 2016     

Why are photos not saving to my phone

Joe. H. Mar 12, 2016     

I saw a ufo and the cops where going there

Nin. 5. May 11, 2016     


Vic. M. Jun 26, 2016     

This is stupid everybody knows UFOs are not real

Ron. K. May 23, 2016     

It's garbage. Sees anything dark or black, thinks it's a ufo

Deb. M. Jun 23, 2016