• Ultimate Baseball Clicker 1
  • Ultimate Baseball Clicker 2

Ultimate Baseball Clicker

The Ultimate Baseball Clicker app is the digital version of an umpire's clicker you'd see at a baseball, softball or kickball game. This app features
- intelligent incrementing (so a third strike will automatically increment the out count),
- using the volume buttons to change the count (so it feels more like a real clicker), and
- voice to tell you the current count (to reduce the dependence on looking at the screen).

Category : Sports

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Reviews (2)

Mic. H. Nov 3, 2018     

Pretty handy for an umpire without a clicker. But, and it's a big BUT, there needs to be an easier way to reset the outs without having to click the back arrow until you get to inning 1. Also adding a score feature for home and away would make it go 5 star.

Nic. D. Jun 24, 2018     

You need to add a place to turn off the sound.