• Undergrave — Pixel Roguelike 1
  • Undergrave — Pixel Roguelike 2
  • Undergrave — Pixel Roguelike 3
  • Undergrave — Pixel Roguelike 4

Undergrave — Pixel Roguelike

Undergrave is a pixel art platformer game with roguelike elements about alchemy and demons, in which every playthrough is unique.In the game you control a character, which can attack enemies with a chain and throw potions or drink them.To obtain potions, you must craft them with ingredients, which you can find in chests and defeated enemies.
Craft potions, fight enemies!

Undergrave is in Alpha stage now, so we encourage you to tell us about any bugs you find. Our e-mail: [email protected]

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Category : Action

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Reviews (25)

Iva. A. Feb 10, 2017     

Undergrave is very is overlooked gem. It has very nice mixture of the metroidvania retro games with modern crafting and random mapping systems. The overal feeling of the game is spooky yet welcoming. I am an oldschool controller fan, with actual buttons, but developers did a great job making it possible to use touchscreen without lacking of action gameplay.

Sha. R. Jul 30, 2017     

Truly one of the best games I've played on Android. Amazing handcrafted level design. Great controls and mechanics. Love the crafting system with its depth. Only thing I can suggest is to move the contextual Button for climbing and opening over to the right side rater than center. And maybe provide some tutorial.other than that great game keep it up..

Hen. K. Dec 3, 2016     

I know it was Alpha and meant to be short, but I love it. It has great potential to be an amazing game. One thing I'd like to see is if mushrooms dropped slightly more often, and bones has some other use (since bones seem to be the most common drop). Also, I beat the game twice, and only recently found an equitable item (being the mask which adds to fire damage), so maybe a few more of those would be cool. Lastly a save system would be amazing. Loved the game though.

Cez. S. Dec 11, 2016     

It's small for the moment. A set of rooms come after each other randomly, and enemies don't regenerate (which I think is great especially if (like in my case) the crafting room never appeared again until I died about ten rooms later). It's a very simple but interesting game, somewhat reminiscent of Castlevania due to the whip and the music, and would like to see more after the full release.

Chr. c. Dec 20, 2016     

Main problem is I literally followed the book to make aninmated skull and it fails twice, so either the game is broken or I'm not getting something that is as obvious as it seems to be. It's sorta slow paced. And mostly I just dont need another game not enough to keep me on the app

Fel. B. Dec 14, 2016     

I love the homage to 2d Castlevania. Kind of reminds me of Morris, the old man NPC, from Circle of the Moon. I do like the crafting system, though I didn't delve too far in. You just have to read the recipes and it's not that hard. The controls need polishing, mainly the jump, but it is almost there. When climbing on ladders, maybe add the left and right buttons as well so players have to take a chance at jumping off. Other than that, superb. EDIT: Maybe some checkpoints too.

Ped. H. F. Jan 3, 2017     

why there's a special button in the middle-down of the screen to get down the stairs/open treasures make no sense at all, its so uncomfortable, make it in the top of the others buttons, is way more ergonomic or even better why there's a special button for that in the first place, get rid of it or combine with the others just like any other game, what where you thinking lol great graphics tho

**. Nov 19, 2016     

5/5 I hope you dudes are doing what I think you're doing. From what I see so far this could turn out to be a game that a lot of people want. A true permadeth, proceduraly generated, rpg/platformer. Fun to play, explore, and learn in a way that is both Roguelike and reminiscent of games of the 8-16bit era. That said, the controls are a 0.5/5, tighten that up with a floating virtual d-pad that acts fluidly and contextually or at least just a basic d-pad. Its just a pain to control, ladders...I mean, come on.

Ben. S. Dec 17, 2016     

Has a lot of potential. It kind of reminds me of a side-scrolling Dark Souls. It doesn't tell you how to do anything but that's good because this is going and I don't mind the guessing. Some options for button mapping or customization would be nice because I prefer to play on my tablet also you should never lose your progress just because you at exit the game so some save options would be nice

Alt. S. Nov 13, 2016     

Ok, starting off I love the 2D's castlevania and seeing this game brought me flashbacks and I love it it is still in alpha and a lot of work is needed for example putting an exp system so that progression is not only in the map but in the character, but no such thing as learning skills and putting points in stat just plain simple: level up, stats improved. Then for exploration itself put power ups in metroid style not just buying them because that tends people to farm and it becomes very tedious and boring.

Mik. L. Nov 20, 2016     

Really like the idea but it turns into a bit of a chore. Getting ingredients takes ages, getting back to the potion room takes ages, trying to stay alive isn't too difficult, it's surviving the massively long journeys through environmental hazards on the way back to base that kill you. I think the potion room should reward more quantity from potion brewing, but allow you to craft from anywhere with a mobile potion brewing kit or something. This game has 2 elements and I only ever see the use of one.

Kat. A. Jul 2, 2017     

Very fun and challenging game. Keep up the great work! I got stuck behind a fire spitting totems during my longest playthrough, and I couldn't jump out. I don't know if that was intended, but it really sucked to be stuck and be forced to reset. I probably could've jumped out if I had liquid mycelium, but I didn't.

Aio. Jul 22, 2017     

Love the homage to Castlevanya, and love this alpha. It was disappointingly short (as it is meant to be) and leaves me wanting more. With the unknown substances make it to where you get a random effect with each one so as to make experimentation worth while.

Adr. R. Jul 4, 2017     

Boring level design. 90% of the time i got hit was because of the controls. if u fix those 2 things u got 4 ur self a decent castlevania clone

Dra. Nov 30, 2016     

The atmosphere and graphics are phenomenal for an Android game. The crafting system is interesting and while the game is a bit bare-bones for now, the core gameplay is rock-solid. All it needs is more content. I previously complained about the virtual pad but the devs fixed that. Thanks!

Jam. H. Mar 5, 2017     

I absolutely LOVED the game , at first the single life and no save point was aggravating but the more I played the less they seemed nessasary as you attempt to stay alive ! I've played to the end over and over now and even gone back through and collected all the chests I could reach ; liquid mycellium and the bess's wing thingy and it's still fun but where is the extended version???? I'm dyin here waiting for a year and it seems the dev sacked this project?!

Den. S. M. Jul 15, 2017     

Lacks visual feedback when receiving damage. Enemies flash when hit, but the player character does nothing.

Mr.. H. Nov 13, 2016     

It needs checkpoints at each lab, with maybe a penalty of losing some potions, it's really annoying that when I die it's a new game. And every time I play it's a new game.

Neo. P. Jun 14, 2017     

I keep this game installed just so I can remember that one amazing piano song.. The game seems to not be worked on anymore.. What a shame.

Lor. V. Feb 26, 2017     

This game is awesome this game should be completed but it has a lot of potential as a cool Castlevania remix. Good luck make me proud 👍

Ale. L. Dec 2, 2016     

There is no Save points on the crazy hell developed by the agly Russians... I would better uninstall it without any graves.

Ory. T. D. Jan 10, 2017     

The game is in the alpha stage so I can't rate 5 (yet), however the potential is amazing. When this gets out, it'll be a blast.

Per. J. May 18, 2017     

Love the oldschool feel of this and am looking forward to see where you take it. Would like a better placement for the climb/open control as I have a hard time reaching it without changing my grip. A corner button for this would be great.

Cam. Apr 5, 2017     

Its a lot of fun, Just a bit hard to understand, also I know the game is like Castlevania, but its almost a ripoff its so similar, try to make it a bit different, otherwise very fun (Sorry about my spelling)

Tsu. Z. Dec 27, 2016     

The control isn't much responsive, I've found myself not walking nor jumping nor attacking when I tapped it at times. Otherwise, it's an interesting game, has potential.