• Unscramble - Synonyms, Shuffle, Answer 1
  • Unscramble - Synonyms, Shuffle, Answer 2
  • Unscramble - Synonyms, Shuffle, Answer 3
  • Unscramble - Synonyms, Shuffle, Answer 4

Unscramble - Synonyms, Shuffle, Answer

Do you like playing with words? How good can you unscramble words?

Unscramble is a new lightweight word game. There are over 1000 words for you to unscramble, starting from 3-letter words up to 19-letter words.
The game provides you with synonyms as clues, what a fun way to find out synonyms of words. You can shuffle scrambled words till you figure out the correct answer. This is a fun, educative and addictive game.
You have a multiplayer option to play with friends, send your own words.
This will appeal to kids and adults.

• Unscramble the scrambled word to earn points
• There are possible synonyms to serve as clues
• You have a button to shuffle the scrambled word, that helps to get the word
• You don't know a particular word, navigate to the next and come back later to it
• Still can't figure it out, you have a help button to reveal a letter to you, isn't that nice

• Words ranging from 3 letters to 19 letters
• Switch between dark theme and light theme
• Available to play offline
• Multiplayer option to play with friends, you send your own words.
• An avenue to learn new words and their synonyms
• Educative and addictive

Please provide us with feedback to improve Unscramble for your gaming pleasure.
We will appreciate if you share Unscramble with friends. Thanks

Category : Word

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Reviews (7)

Ala. M. Sep 25, 2019     

Let there be greater points for fast finger, makes it more fun. And a leader board for top players on multi player platform

Eli. b. Sep 24, 2019     

Very very good game. Somewhat addictive and brain tasking!

Are. A. I. Sep 7, 2019     

Brain tasking and absolutely amazing!

Vu. N. Sep 13, 2019     

Fun and challenging game. Give it a try!

Pri. A. Sep 3, 2019     

Awesome app,very additive

Chr. A. Sep 4, 2019     

Very educative

Dqu. B. Sep 3, 2019     

Its awesome