• Ur-Quan Masters 1
  • Ur-Quan Masters 2

Ur-Quan Masters

Port of DOS game Star Control II.
The Ur-Quan Hierarchy have won the war and put the Earth under slave shield.Explore galaxy, gather resources, ally with other races, battle enemies and win your freedom back.

To activate emergency escape unit, press Back.

If you dislike touchscreen controls
- go to Setup -> Advanced Options -> Joystick, and set it to Normal.

Category : Arcade

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Reviews (28)

Bri. H. Dec 8, 2020     

Fantastic port, but terrible overlay controls. D pad is unreliable (sometimes down is up and it chooses the long way around to rotate one spot over) and seems to have a mind of its own. Makes combat unenjoyable.

N. B. Jul 17, 2015     

Hi! I love this app, you guys have done an amazing job. I have one small problem which ill get to. I think the controls are great, it just take a little getting used to. Perhaps for some you can put a WASD pad down? Optional. My issue is that there is no third action button for battle escapes. It is kinda essential to have. Otherwise all is great. 5 stars if it had that. And maybe on initialise you could give the option to dl the extra content again, if not doqnloaded on first initialise.

Jos. K. Feb 4, 2014     

For those of us who don't want to use the on screen controls, this game isn't 100% ready to play. As far as I can tell there is no way to map keys that zoom in/out on the star map. Fix this and this app is worth 5 stars easily.

Dic. R. T. C. Aug 18, 2016     

2016 update: With all the negative (control) reviews youd think these idiots would fix them. 2013 review: Unplayable garbage unlike the original. Theres NO spin control? Only turning while accelerating forward. I try to fly to a planet only to miss it completely, and this system of (non spinning) controls makes space combat impossibe since spinning is mandatory. If I could rate less than 1 star I would. More accurate is A thru F, I give it an F-

Ada. M. Dec 7, 2014     

I started playing Ur-Quan Masters a few years ago, when a relative found that people had taken the original game and made it for pc. Since then, I found this app. I thought, "Why not give it a try?" I enjoy the challenge from new controls, and have only tested out combat since I am not far into this version of the game. One thing though, I can't figure out how to remove ships in super melee on Android. Am I missing something, or is it not there?

Öme. A. Feb 12, 2018     

Controls are terrible. I wonder if anyone could beat the Sa-matra with these awkward controls. It very hard to beat even a weak AI.

A. G. u. Dec 27, 2016     

The last time I played this game was a hacked apart version one of my uncles passed onto my brother and I; basic music and sound effects, no voices, and a weird glitchy thing that would allow you to bypass the verification at the beginning. I poured many hours into the game back then, and was totally stoked to see this game available for play on the go. While the controls are not my cup of tea, this game (with added voices and upgraded music) is still a joy to replay.

Eri. D. May 12, 2014     

I have no idea how this popped into my head today, over 20 years since I played Starcon II, and almost 25 years since I first played Starcon. I have to credit the original Starcon with triggering my interest in IBM PCs, which, a few years later, led to my career in IT. I had a C64 since I was 14 and already loved computers, but it wasn't until I played Starcon on my friend's 286 around 1990ish, that I knew I had to get a PC so I could play it. A relative gave me a used TRS-80, which had 16 color monochrome graphics built in (advanced for its day believe it or not), but which clocked at only 4Mhz, slower than the 4.77 XT standard lol. My attempt to play Staron (with my 2, 360k floppies and NO hard drive), was pretty futile, and the ships moved around like snails! That forced me to figure out a way to get a 286, 8mhz, which was light years better, and enabled me to play Starcon to its fullest. By the time Starcon 2 came out not longer after, I had a 286, 16mhz, and it played beautifully. I loved that game, but shortly after I got busy with my new career and completely forgot about and lost the game. Thrilled that that it was eventually made open source and ported so widely!

Pay. C. Sep 17, 2017     

controls could be better. i would prefer is it had like A ,B, X,Y,Z,O buttons like on an xbox controller. would make more sense than some weird alien icons for controls.

j.. r. Jul 21, 2017     

The controls don't work. Just spent 15 minutes trying to get to earth at the beginning of the game. Just implement a standard gamepad.

Gow. H. Feb 4, 2016     

I love the Ur quan masters, but I'd love to see some improvements to the control scheme. I'd love to be able to use the gamepad app for this or to be able to turn off the diagnol direction movement keys when I set the ship movement to be old school.

Jam. K. Dec 29, 2015     

True star control fans would give it 5 stars anyone else rating lower have no business playing this game.

Sea. V. Jan 23, 2014     

I only ever play the melee mode but it is a perfect port of the desktop spaceship battles. Navigating with a virtual d-pad isn't as precise as wasd but other than want of a gamepad this is tremendous fun.

Ada. L. Sep 18, 2014     

Tried to download to a Samsung galaxy s5. Gave me two different error messages. This is the most recent. Used to play starcon on PC. Would love to play this game. Please fix.

Ogr. t. O. May 21, 2015     

Wonders never cease. Only issue I have is accidental exits due to button placement. If we could change screen orientation (top to bottom) that'd solve it for me.

Ste. S. May 3, 2015     

the on-screen controls are next to useless. Virtual joystick is probably the worst idea. Remapping physical buttons doesn't help, there's keyjam.

Naf. K. Oct 5, 2015     

The game works great. To escape press the devices 'back' key. I play the onscreen controls on samsung s4 with no problems.

Paj. C. Mar 28, 2014     

This was one of the first video games I got into as a kid, and I can honestly say it spawned a lifelong love of RPG and scie... PRIORITY OVER-RIDE NEW BEHAVIOR DICTATED MUST BREAK TARGET INTO COMPONENT MATERIALS

Jas. S. Jan 6, 2018     

Soooo happy to find this game on Android. Soooo disappointed in the controls. Makes the game unplayable. Such a shame. Wish I could support this app. Fans of the original, do yourselves a favor and install a 3do emulator and run the original game with original controls instead.

Aar. H. Sep 19, 2014     

thers only one problem the ending is agravateing i dont like how the the kohr-ah ends the game id like to see that changed,for more long term players i didnt have enough time to explore the game

Dan. G. Dec 3, 2016     

I played this series for many years on the PC. I cannot believe its a free app. It is complete and just as it was on PC. Endless fun.

wil. y. Apr 24, 2014     

For new players read up on ship features at its homepage.. If the game pads can work on my Ouya or Kindle Fire tv.. You get 10 stars

Sea. C. Jan 30, 2021     

It is screw the controls. Its a port. As in unchangeable. You know how to fix your problem. Get good. This hasto be on the editors page.

Ben. M. Jun 30, 2014     

Touch controls are a tad hard, might have to rely on ai control for battles, but otherwise is great!

Ric. D. May 22, 2018     

I'm really grateful these devs took the time to resurrect this amazing title! Just started again and so far so good

Mac. Jul 12, 2014     

I see now why people say SC2 is the greatest game of all time. Its like the openness of Elder Scrolls on a universal scale! Maybe the biggest game world I have ever seen. This is a game you could spend years exploring.

Aar. S. Jan 8, 2015     

I forgot how much I missed this game. It plays well on my Nexus 7.

A. G. u. Jan 12, 2014     

Amazing game port from a n amazing dev. I've said it before, and with every new phone I'll be back to say it again. Thank you!