• USB Simulator 2015: Get it in! 1
  • USB Simulator 2015: Get it in! 2
  • USB Simulator 2015: Get it in! 3

USB Simulator 2015: Get it in!

Who hasn't found themselves muttering under their breath in sheer frustration trying to insert a USB stick?
Why does it never seem to go in the first time?

Why do we second guess ourselves every time? Are we holding it the right way, which way is the right way?

Well with USB Simulator 2015, you can finally master the art of USB stick insertion. But BE WARNED. This will not be easy. We could tell you simply line it up and shove it in. But we all know that never works.

Only the most patient and steady of hand will be able to master this craft.

Challenge friends and compete for insertion high scores and achievements.

Let your friends and family know when you get it in. Let them rejoice with you. USB Sim will change your life!

Good luck!


USB Simulator 2015: Get it In! is brought to you by Fluik Entertainment, makers of wicked-fun mobile games such as Office Jerk, Plumber Crack, Streaker and Grumpy Bears. Browse all our games on Google Play
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Fluik

Follow @FluikGames on Twitter for awesome game announcements and other updates.

NOTE:To help keep USB Simulator 2015: Get it In! awesome, please send any bug reports or complaints directly to us, instead of posting them in your app reviews. We can reply to app reviews on Google Play, but we're more likely to respond if you post all your bugs or suggestions on our Facebook fan page, http://www.facebook.com/FluikEntertainment, or email them to us at [email protected]

Category : Simulation

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Reviews (28)

Ree. H. Jun 14, 2021     

It should be 0 stars because it is actually impossible I line it up perfectly and it always goes under the USB plugin so the USB itself needs to be up a little bit and I don't know what the USB picture is at the bottom left of the screen

Is. M. U. C. Mar 19, 2019     

I hate the fact that if I exit and re-enter the app I lose all of my precious process.

ted. Nov 20, 2019     

i got it perfectly lined up, rifht side and all that yet everytime it bounces back no matter what

Mer. C. May 5, 2021     

You can not download the game 😒 I do not know if it is just my phone or the game but if it is the game please fix it

Mel. O. Feb 14, 2022     

I think this game has my ip address

Bob. b. B. Mar 24, 2020     

These Years Are Terrible Game!

Dav. K. Nov 7, 2015     

It is OK, one of those games you can spend hours playing. The only issue I have is the amount of ads, after every other failed attempt I had to sit through an ad video, only a few I was able to skip.

Vei. S. Dec 3, 2016     

Will get it in around 20 attempts after 7+ ads. Also, you'll fail most of the time due to having to shake your device.

Tym. May 26, 2017     

This app is the reason I voted for Hillary. She would've never allowed this to hit the Play Store.

Tad. J. Mar 19, 2017     

No tutorial. It seems to rotate randomly and touching the screen does nothing. Only after hitting the tiny question mark does it say tilt to control and man is it frustrating

The. R. R. Nov 9, 2015     

It's really hard to make the USB even go , I suggest you just make it so you tap the screen or swipe the screen since I almost threw my tablet across the room, or maybe it's the fact I use a tablet....

Tyl. C. Aug 21, 2015     

At first I thought this game was impossible. Now I think it's near impossible. Just missing one achievement now ;)

Eth. R. Nov 7, 2015     

You give them 1 star just because you're a retart with no steaddy hands

Cgo. Apr 1, 2017     

Way too sensitive when I go to put it in it spins around and messes up

X. M. 4. C. W. Jun 6, 2015     

I hate it do not play it game

Jus. F. May 7, 2016     

AD is pushed every 5 seconds... Makes it not fun.

Jam. Jan 16, 2017     

I had the usb straight and i launched it in and it didn't.

Mar. G. Jul 2, 2016     

People hate it because of their retarded unsteady hands...

Par. Jan 7, 2017     

It kept moving on its own

Wkm. Dec 27, 2014     

Love everything about it, and you get a lot of experience from achievements.

Ver. Dec 20, 2016     

It keeps on crashing

Set. B. May 10, 2017     

It was a good game minor control errors but it really should be under rage games and tone down adds it screws up the rythem of the player

Guy. Dec 21, 2016     

Good job I wasted my time

Jus. C. Dec 11, 2016     


Kav. C. Dec 1, 2015     

Would give it 0 if I could

Axe. M. Aug 13, 2016     

What am I doing with my life now a days

Bri. Mar 30, 2015     

It refuses the USB even when I line it up

Ada. G. Dec 5, 2015     

Best game ever but a little tricky