• VBE GHOST COM-0216 1
  • VBE GHOST COM-0216 2
  • VBE GHOST COM-0216 3
  • VBE GHOST COM-0216 4


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This Free Version of the VBE GHOST COM-0216, uses the same code from my previous two Ghost boxes that have been working fantastic in the field.

This version does not have pro features, but does have 3 sensor calibration and individual tracks.

X Sensor Features = V3AudioV2 y Sensor Features = V3AudioV2Advancedz Sensor Features = RS HS 12-589 Audio

How to set it up:1) Lay on a flat surface2) Touch the Icon to start the application3) Wait till all Data is Visable

A) I HEAR AUDIO!4) Press the top right calibration button once every second till you no longer hear audio

B) I do not hear audio!4) Press the top left Calibration button once every second till you hear audio. Then press the left top button for less calibration once. NO AUDIO!

5) Once you have found the two settings that allow audio and do not allow audio. You have your base calibration. Simply wait for 5 seconds, to see if any audio comes through.

A) I HEARD AUDIO! 1A) Press the less calibration button once. 2B) Wait 5 seconds

B) I did not hear audio in that 5 seconds. 1B) You are ready to ask Questions.***Please allow your spirit to get used to the device****

Ask simple questions at first. Allow at least 5 Minutes or more time for your spirit to get used to using it.The more time you spend with your spirit, allowing the spirit to learn the application. The better.Remember, the spirit there does not have a how too, to read. It has to mess with the device to learn it.

If you get no responses. Chances are, there is no spirit present or it has refused to participate.

Keep trying. I have yet to meet a spirit, whom has better things to do, then to speak with the living. Typically, they get just as excited as we do.

Don't get me wrong. I actually heard a spirit Say to another spirit," I do not care. This is ridiculous." LOLI thought it was funny. Obviously, that spirit did not. = )

Individual sensor use is awesome too. Simply set the rate super high so no audio is playing. Then turn one sensor super low to get that sensors audio to play. Then set it up one. You'll get one audio bank on one sensor.

Works great for strong spirits. Every once in a while. They manage to get all the sensors going. = )

Anyway, Enjoy.

Thank you, everyone for your support.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (9)

A. G. u. Aug 15, 2017     

One bank has a woman talking alot about god and angels so right off the bat I'm skeptical. Prefer models that use reverse speech only but this could be great fun. I would not use this if I wanted to be taken even halfway serious. Sorry, but that's my opinion.

Bas. F. Feb 29, 2016     

I had this open for two minutes, set it on a flat surface, allowed it to calibrate, adjusted the calibration, and left it be. Within seconds I received a crystal clear, "hello there." The APP gave several more responses afterward. It seems to me that some of the reviewers didn't read the instructions, or plain just didn't grasp the concept. For those folks, I'd recommend trying the APP again (PROPERLY). They may change their tune (and review).

Ste. F. Jan 11, 2018     

Although my interest in the supernatural has been on going for more than 40 years, these new application technologies are at best minimal to my knowledge in this area of, simply put more precisely, the collective known existence of many fully unexplained phenomena. I must truthfully confess, I find them highly intriguing and a must in fully in depth continuous analysis of the recorded data. In short, a must have tool in real scientifically structured, para psychology studies . I will add further input if it seems imperative to a more fully definable statement upon this growing data base of collective knowledge.

Tre. S. May 11, 2017     

Well, the app seems to be working fine, I've had it for about 20 min. Now, I've read the instructions and calibrated it, when I heard the backwards speech I lowered the calibration until I heard nothing, I asked several questions but got no response so far, I've used several spirit boxes and haven't once got a response using them, maybe spirits just don't want to talk to me in real time, I do get EVP when I use my voice recorder but I want real time speech. I'll try again, if it works, then I'll give 5 stars, but you get 3 for now just because it looks cool.

ell. d. May 6, 2017     

Spirits are always with me i feel them..have my entire life..the second i got it calibrated i have what sounded like 5 spirits talking to me most was gibberish..but they really seem to like this app better then any other.thank you and keep up the great work

Mit. G. Mar 30, 2016     

All the jabbering, all I hear is a bunch of pre- recorded jabbering, and a bunch of skips of music, awful !.

Ian. O. Jun 12, 2017     

Love your apps this has got to be the best one I've tried! My wife and I tried this tonight paired with your EMF pump and got some excellent responses! Keep up the good work with the legitimate ghost apps, Thanks again VBE👍

Rac. A. Aug 4, 2017     

Need some help making sure I'm calibrating right plzzz. I did read instructions I might be over thinking it. Please let me know?

Ger. C. Dec 5, 2016     

you need to run this app for 2 minutes to really get the response that you needed from the spirit not everybody understands how to use these apps ghost box is a easy thing to use but dangerous if you don't know how to use it don't use it at all they are real good spirits and bad spirits out there they are angels and demons be careful what you look for