• Visited World Map 1
  • Visited World Map 2

Visited World Map

How far have you been?
Make your own interactive visited countries map. Just select the countries you visited and share the map with your friends.

We can make your travel memories greater for you.

Category : Travel & Local

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Reviews (30)

Jen. L. Dec 31, 2018     

Overall I like the map, especially the statistics area, but you're missing Northern Ireland. And I am a little concerned that the addition of places like Macau and Hong Kong (which are not countries) are messimg with the country count. Perhaps separate "countries" and "significant territories" (or something to that effect) categories in the statistics page would be more appropriate? Also, why is Australia the same colour as Asia instead of the rest of Oceania?

ama. Dec 6, 2019     

I like this app and all the colors. I like how the app shows number of countries at the bottom. Straight forward easy to use. My only complaint is I went to Greenland recently and its visited color is grey that looks too much like the non visited countries. It should be colorful too!

Nat. E. Apr 19, 2019     

great app. just some countries have you added that shouldn't be countries. like Isle of man and the faroe island. and forgotten countries like northern Ireland, they also have government like Scotland.

Cla. B. Mar 20, 2021     

I like the colours etc but some places should be devided per states as Russia, Australia and the USA. Canary Islands are not on the list yet on the map, same for Balears

Vic. C. Dec 5, 2020     

Love the color coded map. Wondering why Kosovo is not listed as a country and why there are territories listed as countries (such as Bermuda, Puerto Rico, etc).

Abh. M. Mar 21, 2019     

good interface, but like mentioned earlier, its missing a few countries! Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey to name a few

Inb. f. v. Apr 29, 2019     

its too general would like different states within u.s. and touch choice instead of looking through lists

Eve. H. Jul 23, 2019     

Missing countries (ex. Montenegro) and countries not assigned to the proper continent (ex. Georgia is in Europe)

Luc. Sep 22, 2019     

Missing countries and when you finish it says 100.8% complete and in Europe it says 104% complete

Dea. K. Mar 13, 2020     

This game tells you where you went but when I went to Spain , IT GOT A CIRCLE INSIDE IT THAT WAS CALLED GIBRALTAR!

Ary. H. Apr 11, 2020     

Taiwan is a country, not a province of China.

EUD. I. Jan 14, 2020     

I found a tremendous mistake in your map!Republic of Macedonia does not exist as a country but North Macedonia exists! Please correct the name of you want to have a real map!

JA. N. Sep 8, 2020     

Being a seafarer, this is a very good app

Sad. W. Nov 25, 2021     

For some reason it thinks Ireland and northern ireland are the same

Gar. H. Mar 31, 2019     

Taiwan is not a province of China

曾力瑋. Nov 4, 2018     

Taiwan is not part of communist China

Cyn. Mar 3, 2019     

let's explore in the Countries of the World

Raf. S. Jan 26, 2017     

Gibraltar is not a country and it exists in the app. Kosovo is a country and it doesn't exist. Probably there is more mistakes like this but I just changed the app.

mic. m. May 17, 2017     

Antarctica falls off the physical map you view. Pity as it is the pinnacle of all my travel destinations been to so far. Like the varying colours per continent.

Gen. Aug 28, 2017     

Worst ever. The map is old like 10 years or more. KOSOVO isnt there. This is stupid.

A. G. u. Jul 24, 2017     

It's good app. However, I wish you can add a list (in statistics page) of visited countries to each continent.

A. G. u. Sep 30, 2016     

East Caribbean island positions are incorrect. Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, Svalbard/Jan Mayen, Åland, Saint Martin (French side), Saint Barthélemy, Saba, Saint Eustatius missing from list. Kalingrad and western Azerbaijan not coloured.

Dai. R. Sep 2, 2016     

In general is good, some places missing for example Northern Ireland and Turkey is in Asia's list, not in Europe... and title of share modal is in Korean...

Ewe. M. Feb 28, 2017     

Thanks for the App. Would like to see Svalbard, either as part of Norway, or in its own right.

Mar. M. Jun 11, 2018     

Please add Palestine there.

Rea. V. Apr 30, 2017     

Nice, but not very accurate. Can't find Kosovo, but can find Gibraltar...

Bra. B. Aug 15, 2016     

Only been to one country but is definitely recommend.

Mih. M. Nov 23, 2016     

We're is Tenerife guys?!? I can't select Tenerife Island. Is part of Spain even if it's in the ocean and near western Sahara.

Χρη. Ρ. May 27, 2018     

Republic of Macedonia? I don't think so. You actually mean F.y.r.Macedonia

Dan. C. Apr 19, 2016     

Missing England... Or the UK? Great Britain? Has Wales and Scotland.