The journey of the smallest cell in the human body to meet the largest cell.
Length: 60㎛Created in: 70 daysTop speed: 3mm per minuteTarget distance: 18cm

The journey of the smallest cell in the human body to meet the largest cell.Inevitable conflict, war and strife for existence!We invite you to the ruthless race to become the champion among 300 million competitors.

* Game Features1) Simple controls using only touch & drag2) Strategic gaming via various regional conditions and unique, powerful units4) Highly addictive immersion due to sophisticated design of strategy, balancing and difficulty curve


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mobirixplayen

YouTube :https://www.youtube.com/user/mobirix1

Category : Simulation

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Reviews (25)

Jas. G. Jan 11, 2020     

Great game! Question: how do I unlock All the question marked levels on the global MAP after finishing the Super powers MAP, i can't open last 2 '?' Marked Maps?

CT. 1. Feb 23, 2019     

horrible Wouldn't even load

Sha. S. Mar 20, 2020     

4th time playing fun game

Tod. H. Oct 22, 2018     

What was that the gong show?

Sha. B. Jul 16, 2016     

It's like Risk for the XXIst Century. Gameplay flows well, and the interface is fairly intuitive and easy to learn. A few quirks in ver 1.0.8, but nothing that makes the game unplayable. (The map doesn't always respond as expected, especially with "Eastern Europe" highlighting "Central Europe" when selected -- although it does play the correct territories and cities when selected -- and being in the midst of a battle when the hour changes and one gets new stamina and tribute seems to upset the app badly enough that the app has to be closed and restarted after the battle is complete, but no stats get lost in the process.) If I have a complaint, it would have to be the balance of DNA and broccoli rewards found as one tries to advance in rank. (Seriously, I've got over 1,000 broccoli and barely more than 100 DNA at the rank of Marquis. Unless something unexpected happens in the next five ranks, that's enough broccoli to complete the game start-to-finish five times over and only a quarter of the DNA needed for the next rank; a little absurd, but not a game-stopper.) Five out of five stars; I'm having a blast with it!

Teu. Jul 10, 2016     

The gameplay is easy to learn and the user interface is done well. The DNA/broccoli ratios need revamping but you don't need to be maxed out to beat the game. What are the two questioned marked land masses all about?

Axe. M. Jul 9, 2016     

Done with the game with 2k broccoli and about 50-100 DNA evolved to legends though the game is quite simple too and the freaking vibration still there which is wonderful. All in all this game needs to know what 50/50 ratio is and stop vibrate every connection

Dyl. E. Sep 14, 2016     

I beat the levels and I'm legends but I didn't unlock the mystery islands I have three stars on every level.

Han. M. May 10, 2017     

Love idea and gameplay. Vibration drives me mad. And I think something went wrong in writing because DNA should be easy to get and broccoli difficult? Isn't the point of upgrading about not having enough broccoli and having to try the highest percentage you can.... The percentage this is pretty pointless at the moment.

Ric. Jul 19, 2016     

Bad cell-broccoli ratio, bonus islands never unlock, can easily complete the game without evolving past the first page of characters, VIBRATION NEVER TURNS OFF

Kit. Y. Jan 28, 2017     

Please release more places like outer space, i haven't finish upgrade although I've finish the game

Ano. M. Jul 25, 2016     

Um yeah.. I can finish the evolution process now that I have all this broccoli..oh wait.. I need DNA too

Jam. H. Sep 12, 2016     

The broccoli/DNA ratio was way off and I completed the game in three days. Y'all need to up the challenge in the game and make it more interesting to play and longer

Eth. C. Jul 16, 2016     

Love the game. But (this isn't to important) I feel like there could've been a more creative currency system but that's not very important

Jef. H. Jul 3, 2016     

Ever with the game and my phone's vibration setting off, the game triggers a vibration with every unit connection. Way too annoying to even make it past the first level after the tutorial. If this is changed i may come back

Whi. A. Nov 26, 2016     

I loved it but theres on problem! I turn off the vibration setting but it still vibrates! Its annoying! Please fix and Then I will give full stars

The. May 9, 2017     

Cool But the thing is broccoli can't find a way to make a lot of broccoli and efficient.

kev. c. Jul 18, 2016     

Could use less ads... But i guess for free waste of time can't complain

Ste. S. Nov 17, 2016     

It's a good game and lots of fun except the controls don't always work. Also u get way to many broccoli when u don't really use it.

Der. D. Nov 2, 2016     

I love the game, but I was trying to buy DNA, and when I did, it said failed, please try again, and when I did it still didn't work. I just checked my checking account today and realized the game charged me $30 and gave me nothing.

Tac. S. Dec 16, 2016     


Dal. B. Jul 7, 2016     

It's fun and all but I mean get it to level 3 after the tutorial it's still a bit hard

Jas. C. Apr 30, 2017     

Fun but I was forced-almost to give a review 5 min into playing so. I'm it's decent so far.

Uhh. C. Sep 28, 2017     

Overall it's pretty good but you can't turn off the vibration so that gets annoying real quick

Mah. S. Oct 10, 2016     

need to adjust broccoli & DNA ration. Now the ratio is near to 80% broccoli 20% DNA