• Warmup Calc 1
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Warmup Calc

Are you new to the gym and don't know how to do a proper warm up? You want to prevent injuries? You want to feel the PUMP before the REAL PUMP? Then this app is for you.
By warming up you are gently preparing your body for exercises by gradually increasing the heart rate and circulation; this will help you to loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the muscles. The most important reason for doing a warm up is to prevent injuries during exercise, by allowing the body to prepare steadily and safely.

With Warmup Calc you will perform the perfect warm up:

- Choose how to warm up for one of multiple strength trainings, such as PPL, SS, 5x5 and P.H.U.L.
- Find the exercise you want to perform for your routine.
- Set the weight you want for your first working set.
- Warmup Calc will calculate the sets, reps and weight to perform a good warm up, thus preventing injuries and getting you into a the perfect mindset to beat those gains goblins.
- Choose between kilograms or pounds for your weights.
- For routines that depend on barbells (such as 5x5 or SS), if you can't lift the barbell, the app will calculate the best pair of dumbbells for you.

So say, do you even warm up lift?

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (3)

Kat. H. Jul 11, 2017     

The calculated warmup weights are unrealistic. They are not in 5lb increments. Only by kg.

Rya. O. Apr 2, 2016     

No plate setter. The animated gifs get tiring real quick.

Rau. R. Jun 20, 2016     

The plate calculator weights are not realistic