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WCG Online

World Community Grid enables anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet to donate their unused computing power to advance cutting-edge scientific research on topics related to health, poverty and sustainability. Through the contributions of over 650,000 individuals and 460 organizations, World Community Grid has supported 24 research projects to date, including searches for more effective treatments for cancer, HIV/AIDS and neglected tropical diseases. Other projects are looking for low-cost water filtration systems and new materials for capturing solar energy efficiently.
Active projects include: Outsmart Ebola Together, Uncovering Genome Mysteries, Mapping Cancer Markers, The Clean Energy Project
- Phase 2 and FightAIDS@Home.

The WCG Online website is designed to give you, a valued member of the community, access to some more detailed statistics, as well as some lovely pretty graphs.

If you're not already a member, sign up here... http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/reg/viewRegister.do?recruiterId=959887

Please note, this app and website are in no way affiliated with World Community Grid and will not allow you to run the BOINC software on your Android devices. It is a fansite, built to provide additional functionality and a more mobile friendly experience.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (1)

Fot. F. Dec 20, 2015     

All this does is launch a web browser