• Weather DayDream Screensaver 1
  • Weather DayDream Screensaver 2
  • Weather DayDream Screensaver 3

Weather DayDream Screensaver

This is a DayDream (Screen Saver) widget which shows the hour, current weather, charging level and extended forecast.
Those feature were added:
* show current date
* show current charging state
* show current weather
* show weather forecast

This App works from Android 4.2+

To enable go to Setings->Display->DayDream and select Weather DayDream. If you have it set in "when to daydream" menu and have your phone in the charger/dock it will not turn off its screen but displays this screensaver instead.

Category : Personalization

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Reviews (7)

Moi. A. Apr 12, 2014     

I thought this app would stay on while docked , but it doesn't it just turns off. I wish I could get a refund.

Mar. H. Jul 22, 2013     

Great looking app, exactly what I wanted for my Nexus 7, any chance of the dev's having a choice of weather providers?

Mar. B. Aug 19, 2014     

It says " unfortunately it has stopped " and can't get a refund!!! What the heck is this? !? I want a refund!

A. G. u. Jan 31, 2013     

Please add Missed Call, Missed Message or New E-mail notifications and this would be perfect!

trs. e. Jan 19, 2013     

Cool pics...adds pizzaz. Overall very pleased.

seb. s. Jan 8, 2013     

Lets me know what weather to expect when I get up!

Jon. S. Feb 4, 2013     

Beautiful holo usage. Requires little setup. I use it every night for a bed side clock/weather station!