• Who’s Down - Summer 2016 1
  • Who’s Down - Summer 2016 2
  • Who’s Down - Summer 2016 3
  • Who’s Down - Summer 2016 4

Who’s Down - Summer 2016

Currently requires an invite. Request one within app.Who’s Down makes it incredibly easy to get together with your friends.Graduate from big, spammy group messages and texting tons of people to figure out what’s going on.Who’s Down is the new way to see what everyone is down for, so you never miss out.Here’s how it works:
• Suggest ideas for things you’d be down for → your friends receive notifications and can heart your idea if they’re interested
• The feed is where you’ll see ideas from your friends → heart an idea to notify your friends that you’re down

Category : Social

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Reviews (28)

Nat. 3. Nov 24, 2016     

I have a bad feeling the beta isn't on fleek 😱💔🐜⚡🚑

Ash. M. Sep 23, 2016     

Check out Kickit. It's like who's down but way better 🔥

And. H. Jan 26, 2018     

Bring this idea back to life!

mar. m. Sep 18, 2016     

was the experiment over before it started?

Tyl. S. Jul 22, 2016     

Nice to see that it gets updated regularly but has anybody been allowed to use it?

Lau. B. Jul 21, 2016     

If I didn't have to keep it taking up space on my phone just to wait for one, I might be less bitter about still not being invited. This isn't a non review, this is a review of an app with no function, but that says to function later I'll need to keep it installed all the time until then. What kind of nonsense is that? If I were able to request and wait for my invite without the app installed I wouldn't be reviewing the app, obviously. Update: neat, now the app I never open is crashing in the background.

Jus. W. Aug 21, 2016     

Should be removed from play store. #Fail

Jor. B. Jul 18, 2016     


Gun. T. Jul 19, 2016     

I'm losing my patience for this concept with Google. It's clear there are (sortof) alternatives, but I'd really like to see Google's take on it before the entirety of the target audience dies.

atl. c. Jul 9, 2016     

This app is amazing! I could just stare at the 'Enter your invite code' screen for hours! It adds so much to my device, and never bugs me with pesky notifications! It also takes up almost no battery space, and is extremely quiet and minimalist! My only complaint is that the app does nothing at all, but that's minor. I hope all of you love this app as much as I do!

Kri. D. Jun 16, 2016     

Do people actually get invited to this thing? I requested an invite when the app was first launched and still haven't heard anything. Adding my negative review to the stack because it's been FOREVER and apparently there hasn't been any progress.

Geo. S. Jun 22, 2016     

Been waiting since the summer 2015 to use this...... uninstalling. Useless app

Col. H. Jan 25, 2017     

Uninstalled Months ago. This is a non-starter, and is going nowhere fast. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME! Does nothing but frustrate.

Adr. H. Jun 4, 2016     

Why not just purchase a site like meetup and be done? You can let them continue to rock that app/field(?) and if you actually innovate( your Google, so of course😎) you can sprinkle you seasoning in the mix. Stop trying to reinvent the circle. Invest in the circle people to find the other dimensions.

Kar. Jun 12, 2016     

Wow! I love Google and I hate to see Google upsetting it's users, but I think "who's down" is only for Google workers and people around Google area (maybe!) But I do believe this would be a great app for anyone to use, without even using the app. I have no doubt it would hit the 10 mill download mark, and if anyone else is upset or impatient just build something similar either Google gonna buy u out or work with u, because their is already a buzz for it!

Bra. May 6, 2016     

Can't use unless you get an "invite". Yet it doesn't describe how to get invited.

Col. R. May 10, 2016     

An update on when more people would be able to use this woukd be nice. Other than that what is there to rate beside an app that you can't use? One star, for what the app could be!

Luk. M. May 3, 2016     

Very Google sounding, would love to try it. EXCEPT NOBODY HAS GOTTEN ANY INVITES. It even asks for a school name (is this for students?) and confirms I've been added to the wait list, but no code!

Zak. K. May 5, 2016     

Your invite will never come...

Rob. H. Apr 22, 2016     

The app just takes up space without an invite. And to the people commenting on others leaving feedback "without using the app": we have used the app. Our experience thus far has been waiting to receive a code that isn't likely to come. I've waited months for a code, and there have been multiple updates for the app. No change. No code. My experience, so far, is that the app is unusable.

Cor. W. Apr 20, 2016     

This is a cool idea. It'd be nice if they let people use it. I don't have confidence in many of my friends using it if I can't get an invite after months of having the ap installed. I'm uninstalling it since it is perfectly useless.

Jas. C. Jul 9, 2016     

It's impossible to properly rate an app you don't have access to. From reading the reviews, this app is getting a bad reputation of few invites going out. Perhaps Google (or whoever) should send out more seed invites.

Ali. R. Apr 21, 2016     

I am always install all of update in this app but I can't use because you never send a invitation to me

And. F. Apr 21, 2016     

Can I at least have a code it's a great idea but I want a code

Jus. S. Apr 21, 2016     

How can you all leave one star reviews on something you haven't used. You're what's wrong with the review process.

Tho. D. Apr 15, 2016     

Waiting for an invite code since I saw this app over a year ago

Vic. G. Apr 8, 2016     

I'd rather pay a lot of money for an app that I know I'll be able to use than something that's going to sit around in my phone useless, unauthorized to use.

Dur. P. Apr 7, 2016     

The problem with releasing this app is that not only do I have to get an invite, so do my friends. So even if I get the invite, if my friends don't have it, I can't use the app.