• WitchSpring2 1
  • WitchSpring2 2
  • WitchSpring2 3
  • WitchSpring2 4


This version supports English & Japanese. FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/witchspring2/
This is the story of Luna, the Moonlight Witch as she sets out into the world.

Witch Spring 2 is a story-based single-play simulation role playing game that does not require any additional purchase within the game.

Collect items and pets outside while avoiding warriors,Craft items and magic, and combine spells at home,Train Luna by swimming, meditation, and push-ups so she can survive on her own.

As the story carries on, Luna will meet new friends, and depending on her achievements towards the end of the story, the more fulfilling the ending will be.

Please help Luna as she sets out into the world!

*You need at least 450Mb of internal storage available on your device.*App needs reading/writing access to external storage for game installation and launch.

HomePage : http://www.kiwiwalks.comFaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/witchspring2Contact : [email protected]

Category : Role Playing

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Reviews (25)

Ann. May 7, 2022     

Quite possibly my favorite mobile game. Every BGM is uniquely beautiful and, hand in hand with a minimalistic but equally endearing graphic style, shows the overwhelming personality this game has to offer. However, there are bugs. Particularly the training dummy. When using toggle mode you can get trapped in an endless loop of info windows. The story and characters had a surprising amount of depth. Had me so invested I didn't mind how admittedly long the cutscenes are. Overall, I recommend it.

A. G. u. Nov 15, 2018     

Fantastic casual RPG that's suitable for beginners and more seasoned players looking for something light. The storyline is simple but engaging, and the battle system is also simple but has some depth that allows for strategizing. My favourite feature was probably the real time overhead map, it allows you to see at a glance what enemies you can fight and what gathering points are active. I would have liked to be able to scroll the map, but it's only a minor gripe. None of the fights were particularly challenging, except for a few enemies whose stats scale to your own. If you grind your stats to fight or the optional bosses along the way, the final story boss is a walk in the park, which was a bit anti climactic. You can also just power through the game if you have enough patience to grind stats over and over again right at the very beginning.

Lit. W. Sep 19, 2020     

Love the game, but it keeps getting stuck! I can't progressed because it keeps repeating the same scene over and over again I'm already in Chapter 2 in the middle of it and I can't progress because it keeps getting stuck and repeating the same seen over. I want to get the 3rd and 4th game, but if this is going to happen? Then i won't be doing so unfortunately please fix this bug and I will edit my comment give it five stars.

Far. Q. Feb 17, 2021     

storyline is enjoyable, but not as complex and interesting as its predecessors. But hey, what an improvement, right? The gameplay is, uhh, it's quite grindy when it comes to training. Because you have no limitation to train, and whenever you stuck at some point due to stats lacking, all you have to do is either crafting stats boosters or train and go back to sleep and then train again. Besides that, they are fine. And finally, the soundtracks, they're all enjoyable & memorable. Worth it πŸ‘

Jef. S. Dec 30, 2020     

Good companion to the first. More polished and far less buggy. Also more casual. Took me a while to accept that I could train without fear of running out of time, or misusing a unique ingredient. The optional bosses were significantly harder, though (especially the ones that scale).

Nab. Apr 19, 2020     

The story really amazing especially if you play the first one, you can know what had happened in the background! The graphic and music improve so great, but sadly I'm not into the main guy personality and way of thinking :") somehow I think Justice (main guy of the first game) give so much impression despite the (almost) lack of screentime and Robin here (who apparently have more screenrime) looks forced to be a good character :") which is really too bad....

Ang. F. Mar 4, 2022     

I was lucky owned WS1 before playing this. Sob sob.... the storyline is great as always. it is a bug with turtle, but I think it is not critical. The dev team also great work, many changes from WS1. Graphic, BGM, game mechanism, improved a lot. thanks

Cla. D. Apr 12, 2019     

Beautiful story with unique and interesting characters which all create a great and moving game. A more deeper and longer main story as well as after ending would be much more nicer though! :) but overall, it was a really amazing game to experience. Thank you and I can't wait for more Witch Spring games in the future!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜†

Sta. Dec 18, 2021     

A beautiful game that fits the storyline of the previous game, WitchSpring. Its graphics may not be up to par with 2021, but I enjoyed every minute of gameplay and story this game had to offer.

Sof. P. Jan 5, 2022     

Another great game in the serie, this one has darker themes, while introducing some quality of life in the game loop. The time limit is gone, which changes the dynamics drastically - you can essentially power level and become unstoppable

くまー. Aug 23, 2021     

The game is very fun...but currently I'm stuck in a loop when I encounter an ancient turtle and I cannot do anything about it😭 I tried open the autosaves but its no use.... I think it occurs because of the character movement... Sometimes it is hard to control the character.

Mar. N. Aug 1, 2020     

I have played this game twice now, once vanilla, the second time to complete 100%. However there are some bugs that make me unable to complete the game, literally. At the ending cutscene, redbeards car gets stuck and doesnt move and im left with a frozen cutscene. This also happens to flying pet where they do not follow me around (eg. Blackjoe just sits there and does nothing when it is his turn in combat. I also cannot proceed with befriend with the nuuks event because he doesnt move).

Tho. A. Sep 26, 2020     

Noticeable improvement from the previous game. Again, great story. Cleared a lot of misunderstanding on the story. Amazing game! Except for the minor bugs like being stuck in a place or unable to flee/move away from a fight/training area.

Aar. B. Mar 29, 2021     

What a gem! Trigger warning for the oddly frequent dialogue in this game around weight/eating/fatphobia, which is a shame. The only other problems are the occasional bugs, but they are sadly not minor--so far I've had to force quit and reload a save every time I hit a bug. I'm also a little disappointed in how bland the music is, but otherwise it's so fun!

S. S. Mar 26, 2021     

The game keeps glitching. It keeps making me start over and when I do my stats for playing ate lower. For training it went down by a point. Neat game other then the glitches. I was trying for cat in ice wiches place it glitched and wouldnt let me play. Yesterday I was exploring water area same thing happened met a monster it wouldnt let me consider and it stuck me in a loop

Bri. D. Mar 15, 2021     

Such an amazing game and series! I absolutely adore the characters and the plot line. While I love witchspring1, I think that witchspring 2 is definitely a great improvement to game play without the restricting 100 days and letting you gather ingredients without cost to your hp.

Chr. M. Jul 1, 2019     

So far, it's great! I took a chance because of the high ratings and it's what I've been looking for in a mobile game. Just enough depth and charm and NO IAPs! Definitely what mobile games should move towards imo as an avid gamer myself. While my wife and I trade off on console games I can work on this game. Superb!

Lis. Dec 29, 2020     

Thank you, I really enjoyed this game. Graphics, music and gameplay were fantastic, but controlling the character was a bit awkward. Especially while riding their pets.

Chr. R. Aug 16, 2020     

Super buggy. Updated to version 1.41 and it fixed some glitches but still having game breaking bugs that lock you into a loop from auto targeting world items such as the targeting dummy,, or the giant turtle. Game is still unplayable. Please fix.

aya. m. Aug 19, 2020     

I downloaded this one cause i really enjoyed witchspring 1 and comparing the two of them this one felt clunky and ineffective in some areas. I had Luna encountered a cat and then a warrior and both scene stucks repeatedly in that one dialogue. Please fix it. Thank you for making this enjoyable game

Lit. A. Sep 17, 2020     

I love this game a lot. But I absolutely hate the controls and how sometimes you get stuck on an enemy you're trying to flee from or a training thing when you want to dismiss it. Do you think you guys can fix that?

Dan. M. Apr 9, 2019     

As best as it successor. WS3, love the series. love the gameplay, love the stories, both second and third is great. didnt play the 1st yet. I hope this developer will be successfull in this game series. exactly the game that im looking for considering how many game there are in app store. I wish people will notice this game and give it a try. for the price, it really worth it. P/S please realease the 4th game already. i will definitly buy it the moment it arrive at the app store

Jul. Aug 3, 2020     

I love the game and the story. This is my 3rd time downloading this game and I encountered more bugs now than before like:Nessie just walking and not attacking and because of this I was unable to encounter the Sofia event, being unable to catch a fish and makes me unable to catch the yellow cat and when summoning black Joe he doesn't move and the game crashes when it's his turn in battles and this makes it impossible to befriend the nuuks. Plz fix it I love this game but this ruins my gameplay.

Gia. L. Sep 25, 2018     

I've wanted this game for so long, even before the lite came out. I've wanted it since the first Witch Spring. And at last I had the chance to buy it. It's definitely a purchase I will never regret, and even the best one I've probably made so far. I love the game, every single thing about it. I love it to bits. Thank you for making this game! I hope to see more from the developers, and that it doesn't end at Witch Spring 3

Nic. W. Jan 26, 2019     

I thought the rating was too high before purchasing this game. but it is that fun, with a simple story line, absolutely 0 bugs, and good gameplay. if you are looking for rpg with a splash of jrpg, nothing too heavy, this is a great game.