• Word Seek Deluxe 1
  • Word Seek Deluxe 2
  • Word Seek Deluxe 3
  • Word Seek Deluxe 4

Word Seek Deluxe

The classic word search puzzle with more options makes it the best word search ever!
Choose from multiple size boards from simple to challenging puzzles.

Find the words listed on the side in the letter grid in the middle. Intersecting words are hidden forwards, backwards, up, down and diagonally. When you have found all the words you have solved the puzzle!

Choose between different color schemes

Hide the word list for more of a challenge!

Works off-line

Each puzzle has a word theme

Words can be hidden in any direction, including diagonally and backwards

Words can be selected from start to end or end to start

Randomly generated. You will never see the same puzzle twice!

Resizes to fit your screen, large or small.

Optionally play a timed game

Multiple size boards ranging from 8x8 simple game to challenging 32x32

Your game settings are saved

Also available in the Chrome Web Store for Desktops at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-seek-deluxe/jilccmcmhhfbjcmnfkkmhhpkggaonabn

Hints for Word Sleuths:

Search for obvious or rarely used letters or double letters in words. Scan each row for a letter and when it is found, then search the surrounding letters for the next letter in the word.

Category : Word

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Reviews (14)

ce. c. Nov 3, 2020     

Bugs in the game - I would select the correct word, but the word would not disappear from the list.

Dor. M. Sep 11, 2019     

I wish there was some music. Love the graphics. Word finds are my favorite.

Kar. B. Oct 3, 2019     

Fun game! Love the colorful backgrounds. Great way to pass the time!

Nor. r. May 14, 2019     

this game is very addictive

Jax. T. Jun 20, 2020     

Relaxing fun

A. G. u. Aug 28, 2016     

Love all the different categories. Keeps your mind active

Aid. M. Aug 8, 2016     

It sure is deluxe, amazing game

San. L. Nov 17, 2015     

After playing one game they do not reload, this is the halloween, christmas and word seek deluxe. Even reinstalling dosen't help. I enjoyed the games I did get to play and would give a 5 star if They would let me play more than once.

Car. P. Aug 2, 2015     

This is a great game! It is difficult and you can go back whenever you want. Play this.

Chr. A. Mar 26, 2014     

Really smooth response. It Do s exactly what it is meant to do really well. Wish it could go portrait mode.

Uto. Mar 25, 2014     

Works great on my phone. A few minor layout issues, but works well.

Ada. w. Mar 25, 2014     

Easily the best word search app I've tried so far. Works great.

Dav. B. Mar 25, 2014     

Great app easy to use and rather addicting.

Mar. J. Mar 23, 2014     

When I go to open the app it is a white screen.