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Write & Cite

The Write & Cite App is a reliable and easy to use writing, research, and citation reference tool that will help you with all your writing needs including Research paper, MLA Format, APA Format, APA, MLA, Reference, Writing, Essay, Cite, MLA works cited, APA format example, WritingCenter, APA style paper, Bibliography generator, APA style citation, MLA Citations, PA format generator, MLA style, MLA header, Grammar, Citation, Works cited, Bibliography, References and more.

Category : Education

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Reviews (2)

Jos. N. S. Feb 8, 2016     

It's basically an English teacher in your pocket. As a native speaker there are still a lot of formal rules that I forget and this is an helpful app. Doubt I would use it often and the downside is that it isn't free

Kat. A. Feb 15, 2016     

Super helpful! So many rules that I easily forget and this is a helpful tool to remember everything. I write tons of papers so this is great!