• WTF with Marc Maron 1
  • WTF with Marc Maron 2
  • WTF with Marc Maron 3

WTF with Marc Maron

Join comedian Marc Maron as he tackles the most complex philosophical question of our day: WTF? He'll get to the bottom of it with help from comedian friends, celebrity guests, and the voices in his own head. You loved him on Morning Sedition. You kinda liked him on The Marc Maron Show. You tolerated him on Break Room Live. Now, embrace him on a show from which he cannot be fired--WTF with Marc Maron.

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (25)

Dan. S. Feb 17, 2019     

as one of the few podcast specific apps, it stands out-in a good way. it's reliable. it has a simple user interface and is easy to use. I like it and the podcast very, very, very much.

Pep. 4. Dec 1, 2018     

Super easy to use app. Find any show and scroll to any spot in the show. Marc Maron is an excellent host who has a unique and refreshing interview style. This is the best podcast in this genre!

Car. S. Oct 1, 2019     

Marc Maron is the cool guy at the back of the bus in high school who always had insightful things to talk about. And of course, he plays guitar. I think he's as good of a listener as he is an interviewer. He pulls some very cool details from his guests. I love listening to this podcast. Boomer lives!

Pen. T. Jul 12, 2020     

Love the way Marc speaks so honestly about himself before the interviews. I can relate personally to so much of what he says. And oh yea, he does a fine job interviewing. Sometimes, depending on the interviewee, these are like historical pieces. The lily Tomlin interview for example. Really good.

Rox. C. Feb 3, 2020     

I want to be able to use other apps while using this one. Anytime I go out of the app it stops playing. It's super annoying. The podcast literally even stopped playing while I write this review

chr. Aug 26, 2019     

An enjoyable, moving, thought provoking, sometimes exasperating podcast. A decade of conversations and self reflective monologues is a major achievement. Its life in real time.

Mel. M. May 5, 2022     

I love this podcast. Marc Maron gives great interviews while connecting to the guest at a personal level with respect and a little bit of comedy. It's a must in your listening list.

Geo. C. Jan 16, 2019     

Love the Podcast. I sometimes have trouble downloading them though. The 5 second skip is really annoying too. It should be 30 seconds.

Ron. Aug 6, 2020     

App is basic but Marc Maron is a national treasure. Could use better android integration for headphone control but the very human and relatable vunerability Marc has shown lately in his public greaving over the loss of Lynn shows how this is not just a podcast but a public service.

Y. K. Nov 4, 2020     

I love his honesty and ability to interview any person and make it interesting. I feel his ups and downs and that really shows his talent considering that it's all coming through my phone. I've been a long time fan.

Geo. M. Sep 20, 2020     

I love the show. The app gives an error once when I return to an episode. But it plays with no issues after the one time.

Jef. M. Sep 29, 2020     

Very hard to do a 10 second rewind or go back at all with the wheel. Also after every time I download I have to go back a day or two and download it again because it won't work.

Jam. G. Jan 22, 2019     

Great informative interviews w/ some of my favorite artists from music, film, television, radio & sports. Always learn something new. Obama, Conan, John Frankenheimer, and David Cross are some of his best interviews

Ray. C. Nov 14, 2020     

Love it. It's fun, interesting, entertaining and sometimes inspiring. I'm in recovery too and can relate to lots of what Mark talks about.

Jor. A. Apr 11, 2019     

always love hearing the interviews, he covers more than just the simple questions. or just goes random, you never know but it's always entertaining.

D. M. May 17, 2020     

Vulnerable, Honest, REAL. Oh, and plenty to laugh at as well. Skilled interviewer who can keep it real, given his own admitted difficulties. (Marc, may Lynn rest in peace, my brother: Heartfelt Condolences.) Long-time listener; 1st time reviewer: i never review apps, & i can code them, but Marc deserves this, all our support & SO much more. Bravo on facing your troubles head on, Marc (as you've done for so long & shared with us), CREATING as u do. All the best persevering after this loss.

Jea. F. Jan 27, 2019     

I love Marc's interviews and his honesty. (personally, I think he's the whole package - despite his few insecurities. Sarah The Painter, you are a strong and lucky woman.)

Sha. A. Feb 20, 2019     

i love Marc, he is on my top 3 comedian list. His experiences and point-of-view resonates with me. i appreciate his honesty and enjoy listening to these podcasts.

Lau. R. Jun 11, 2020     

I thoroughly enjoy this podcast! I recommended to my daughter, and she also loves it. My favorite podcast!!!

mar. l. Jan 15, 2021     

You guys fixed the navigation button. It's not perfect, but the content is so here's 5 stars.

Jan. R. Feb 7, 2019     

Great podcast! Been listening since 2011. Marc is a terrific interviewer- makes it sound like a coffee shop convo. His session with Obama was SO great!

roa. !. Jan 5, 2020     

You can pick and choose his interviews from the past rather than only his recent one that you get when you request from your smart device

Tom. G. Feb 21, 2020     

What great insights to the combination of hard work, luck, and taking the road less traveled.

Rus. K. Nov 15, 2019     

Of course the content is great. Ao is navigation. What more xould ask for? Boomer lives.

Alb. H. Jun 15, 2020     

This has been a part of my life for years!! Great podcast from a terrific communicator.