• Yee 1
  • Yee 2
  • Yee 3


Tap along with your favorite song, Yee! Every tap of your finger is the next note. How long will you Yee?
Sick of the whole song? Tap the Yee face in the corner and enable Yee mode! In Yee mode, every tap will make Yee Yee!!

Also includes an optional Yee alarm that will Yee to remind you to Yee if you haven't Yeed in a while.


Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (23)

The. b. s. Apr 27, 2022     

This app changed my life! My head was a square and I was depressed. I cried every day in the corner until this app appeared. I downloaded it and it immediately cured my depression and my head turned into an average human head, I recommend this app if your head is a square or a triangle!

KGB. Mar 7, 2021     

2 years ago I lost my favorite cardboard box, I was so devastated over the tragic incident that I cried every night, few days later, I went onto severe depression and I even had suicidal thoughts but then I found this app and at that moment I was so lucky. This app changed my life, It's such a gift, you cannot find any other all like this on the play store, I recommend all to download

Ana. L. Sep 19, 2020     

What a beautiful app. I can't describe how amazing this app truly is. It's the best game I've ever played and anyone in the world will truly agree. I cried 10 times in a minute while playing this game. 100000/10 woyld recommemd this game to everyone. It's both a fun game and a life changing experience.

cha. Jan 28, 2021     

My god... This app is absolutely life changing. When I was just a young lad, I was born with an extremely rare disease that made my eyeballs look like squares. My parents would often take me to church to try to disperse the demons from my retnas. But then, one fateful day, I found this app and my very existence was changed forever. My oracles turned to rectangles instead ! Now, I am a triple quadrillionare. Thank you. God bless and may everyone reading yee in good faith.

bre. Sep 14, 2019     

This app comepletely changed my life for the better. Words cannot express how thankful I am that some beautiful person out there created such an amazing app. Sometimes, you just want to hear that assuring and comforting y e e . With this app, I can do that at any time I wish.

You. N. Dec 23, 2021     

this is actually a true story of how oneof my best friends and I became friends. so we were on thebus, our way to swimming lessons at summer school. they were on my phone and I wa on theirs. they were looking thru my apps. thy found yee an opene it. my volume was all the wayup and it blasted thru the bus, just a frickin YEEEEE. everyone laughed bc we all have the humor of a 3rd grader. afterthat we became besties. I WOULD RECCOMEND!

Fil. C. Dec 21, 2018     

I was once a poor rotten orange in the dumpster when a human walked pass the dumpster with a "yee" sound coming out, and suddenly, I turned into a human and now I am the president of the United States. This app have certainly changed my life for the better, because without this app, I have still been an orange.

Tig. Dec 28, 2021     

I was depressed after my girl left me... But one night... I saw a bright star in the night sky... It started falling towards the grounds of the Earth... Such wonderful thing to see the creation of the universe... The star finally crashed on top of the misty mountains... It took me 7 days and 7 nights to reach tge bright light on top of the Lonely Mountain... When I reached it... Wow... I've never seen such a beauty... Yee... It changed my entire life... Thank you! For making me happy!

chu. g. Jul 8, 2020     

I have had this app for a few years now. Every day I awake to hear the sweet sounds and it inspires me to go forth and achieve my goals. This app has singlehandedly been responsible for my billion pound empire.

A. G. u. Dec 31, 2018     

I love this app. I was recently going through some hard times. I saw this app and the reviews were great and people were saying they found the light. I downloaded it because it was worth a shot. Now I too have found the light and now know the beauty of life. If you download this my friend, you will too.

Mia. D. May 16, 2020     

Life-changing, i would never have downloaded any other applications besides this. This is absolutely beautiful, i already cried so many times for the past 5 days because of how gorgeous this application is.

The. w. Dec 19, 2018     

i was once a plastic bottle thrown in the ocean i was floating in the depths of the sea, and i came across an i phone that was also floating it playing yee over and over again. When i came closer to the phone. I became a reusable bottle that saved the entire the entire planet from destruction.

Ari. F. Sep 27, 2020     

I would like to give this app 10 stars than only 5 stars. I feel pity on playstore due this rate, please make it 10 stars for your next version. You guys don't have any idea what you are dealing with. It such that we love how an app made for.

Rei. R. Jan 14, 2020     

Oh wow this game is really special, i love it so much. I will spend my time 10 hours/day just to play this game, because of this game, i feel so much smarter, I found a light. This game surely changed my life.

Tau. A. Dec 18, 2018     

This is an amazing app, saved me from depression. Not a day passes anymore without a smile on my face because of this app.

Eld. M. S. Jul 21, 2020     

This is hardest game I ever play. I cannot pass the level 2. Please I need a walkthrough for this game.

Anu. K. Nov 5, 2019     

Its my Mid Semester Test tomorrow and I haven't studied anything but I am not worried about it, just because of this app. All I am doing right now is Yee...Yee...eee...Yee... I know I surely succeed in my life doing this as it brought a big change in my life for real. Really thanks to this app. I can't imagine my future without this app.

com. Jun 10, 2020     

This app fixed my marriage and got me promoted at work. My boss was impressed with my Dexterity and precision of my tapping. Yee/yee, would recommend

pre. s. Jan 2, 2022     

Life changing. But I need to know what the clock icon does.

Vis. B. Oct 11, 2018     

It is NOT possible to explain in words the greatness of this app you can only experience it like mother nature or the warmth of the sun or this never ending sentence.....

Swi. G. Dec 4, 2018     

Wow I can't even Express how much this has changed my life. I look in the mirror and I see a man who has his priorities right thanks to this app. Love it!

Kas. Jul 20, 2020     

I used to be a mortal human, but thanks to this app I have transcended and am now able to simultaneously exist during every moment in time and can bend the universe to my will.

Aar. W. Jan 28, 2020     

I was stuck in an endless abyss falling forever when i heard the sound y e e and i was back on land and 800 people all gave me 100000000 dollars yee has saved me from that abyss and changed my life