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Yuva Shastra

YuvaShastra is an application which acts as a communication portal for mentors and aspirants. Through the app, the mentors belonging to various fields and the aspirants pursuing or interested in such fields, can register themselves up!

Further, the app allows the aspirants to ask questions on the subject, and the respective mentors to answer those questions. The application also gives an option of attaching image, pdf file or doc for further clarification on the matter.

While registering, the user will come across various preset fields, and will be able to choose the one he’s looking for. Finally, with an OTP verification, the user will be logged in successfully.

The users are also allowed to comment, like and share the conversations that they come across.

The aspirants also have an option to personally chat with the mentors. This conversation will not be visible to other users on the portal.

The application is to maintain a smooth delivery and adaptation of knowledge between experts and aspirants.

An initiative by Indore District Collector Mr. Lokesh Jatav, IAS in association with Citizen COP Foundation. Career Counseling Indore, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, Yuva Shashtra, YuvaShastra, Students Counseling.

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (7)

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2019     

It is a wonderful app for question and answering regarding different educational fields. I got many ideas from top mentors related to my educational field. I think that everyone should install it.

A. G. u. Mar 11, 2019     

This App is useless which has no features as of now . This App being launch as a Name sake event by the Minister of Higher Education. which is one of the platform to showcase the fake development for youth. Mentors can't be added and which are the one just involved in launch its a good effort to waste the govt money in which they have been quite successful too .. all data exist is app is just Test message and sample data .. this is my second review first has been deleted by administrator

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2019     

it is an awesome place to ask questions and get advice ,For me, it's a place to talk to people I normally wouldn't ever get the chance to, and get advice on an incomprehensible array of topics.

A. G. u. Mar 15, 2019     

A nice concept to share our knowledge and wisdom with the willing minds. Great use of technology & time, to learn things from the people having real experience in our desired field.

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2019     

What a great idea. It is going to be really helpful for seeking students like me.

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2019     

Nice application for mentors and aspirants

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2019     

What an excellent effort, hope several youth will take advantage of Yuva Shastra.