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Coach Herzog is the Director and Head Coach of Empire Academy and has been training in the martial arts for over 30 years. Now retired from competition, Chris was a nationally ranked competitor who also fought internationally and medaled in Submission Grappling, Judo, Sambo and Combat Sambo.
Along with having earned Blackbelts in several traditional martial arts Coach Herzog is the only Blackbelt on the east coast in 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu under Eddie Bravo. He has a 5th Degree Blackbelt in Judo, Kickboxing, is a Certified Russian Sambo Instructor (UFRS), and also coaches MMA, Boxing and BANG Muay Thai. Chris has spent a lifetime traveling and training with the best in combats sports and now travels frequently teaching seminars all over the country.

Category : Sports

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Reviews (13)

B. Jan 5, 2016     

the best jiu-jitsu app yet

cas. Jun 6, 2015     

I really like the app the problem is that it seems like there's a file missing and now all of a sudden it will not load up the videos at all so please fix it so I can get back to learn all the great Jiu Jitsu techniques

Jas. C. Jun 26, 2015     

I keep getting "File connection error" the archives do not load at all. Using Galaxy Note 4

Mic. L. Aug 27, 2014     

This app is a must for anyone serious about grappling. It covers a wide range of techniques and is applicable for bjj, sambo, and other types of grappling competition. Zog covers everything from position to leglocks, breaking it down in an easy to understand manner. The vast majority of techniques are also applicable in self defense situations. I highly recommend this app.- Michael Lawson, yondan karate, blue belt bjj

A. G. u. Sep 7, 2014     

10th Planet Jiu Jitsu black belt Chris Herzog app, contains info and instructionals

Sco. C. Aug 27, 2014     

Amazing level of detail and information Coach Zog shares wish I had opportunity to go to his actual gym for instruction

Jas. G. Sep 7, 2014     

Fantastic app!! Zog is a well versed in Jiu-jitsu and a fantastic teacher. You will not be disapointed!! =)

Eri. F. Aug 31, 2014     

I love this app. Thanks zog.

joh. h. Dec 4, 2014     

Zogs tha man!!

Cha. V. Aug 27, 2014     

This is awesome

Cha. C. Aug 27, 2014     

The perfect companion app to the 10P 411. Do yourself a favor and get this now!

Jaz. Aug 27, 2014     

Chris has so much knowledge its good to finally have all that knowledge in one place

Joe. Aug 27, 2014     

Must have for jiu jitsu enthusiasts