• Zombie Abomination Shooting 1
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  • Zombie Abomination Shooting 4

Zombie Abomination Shooting

Are you a game lover than we have come up with an excellent shooting game for you all. “Zombie Abomination” is the thing for you. An interesting and fun 3D game for every age of people. Basically it is a shooting game where you have to shoot the zombies coming in your path to achieve the objectives of a stage.

There is a whole story built behind this game which is also very much interesting. So here is the story:

Once upon a time in abandon city, there was a secret experiment was going on for DNA improvisation to create a Superhuman but Unfortunately the experiment couldn't give the results as expected and went completely wrong . Because of the side effect of the medicines, people were turning into Zombies. The whole city was full of Zombies but the last hope was their to convert Zombies into humans again by making AntiZombie DNA. You can save that city by making the AntiZombie DNA. Now how this AntiZombie DNA can be created? Download now to find the answer and to save the city from Zombies.

There will be only one stage to win the game and there are total four objectives which need to be completed to finish that one stage and win the game. You will be given fancy weapons to kill the Zombies. It's completely a thriller game. Zombie can attack you from any where, you just have to be alert and kill them.

You can also see your current position, Zombie's position and the location of the objectives which you need to achieve to complete the sage. A fascinating game where all you can have is fun, fun and more Fun. 3D effects, graphics, the sound and the experience of the game will give you some goosebumps. Excitement, thriller, suspense, entertainment, visual experience: what else would you expect from a game.

The best part is that it is completely free of charge and you can anytime download it from Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Windows store. You must be wondering that will that app support my device or PC so let us tell you that it supports any three platforms 1) iOS 2) Android 3) Windows. Apart from the platforms, it supports the MAC, PC, web player and all the devices available.

This is the brief idea about the games but to have real experience of the game, you have to download it by yourself. So what are you waiting for? Just take your phone and get it now.

Category : Action

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Reviews (12)

Eni. H. Jul 28, 2017     

Nice game it just needs better weapons..

Moh. D. Aug 29, 2016     

Very good graphics love to play it.

Kir. J. Feb 19, 2016     

Awesome game..time killing, appreciable graphics, u never get bored of this, challenging levels, great weapons..just worth downloading

Pat. P. Feb 20, 2016     

This is one of the best games I have ever played. Its awesome.

Kaj. S. Feb 20, 2016     

Love to play. Superb graphics.

Jay. C. Feb 20, 2016     

Loved to play

Khy. S. Feb 20, 2016     

I just loved it. After such a long time I have enjoyed playing any game. Must try game for everyone.

Gir. P. Dec 30, 2016     


Dee. K. Feb 19, 2016     

Super duper application. Love to play this app again & again

Chi. S. Feb 20, 2016     

Love to play great work great graphic

A. G. u. Dec 30, 2016     

Love to play this game again and again... really very good job... keep it up.

san. s. Feb 20, 2016     

Great action game