• Ad Blocker PRO - Block Ads in Web Browser 1
  • Ad Blocker PRO - Block Ads in Web Browser 2
  • Ad Blocker PRO - Block Ads in Web Browser 3
  • Ad Blocker PRO - Block Ads in Web Browser 4

Ad Blocker PRO - Block Ads in Web Browser

Block ads, popups, trackers, videos, scripts, redirects and more in Safari! Browse safely at blazing speeds while saving data! Make surfing in Safari cleaner and smoother in every way!

All-new, vastly expanded, enriched, refined and perfected! Our blocklist base is now even more comprehensive and protective! Everything that annoys you, from screen grabbing banners, random pop ups, redirects to auto playing videos blowing in your face - ALL GONE! Nothing to slow you down! Just pure, usable Internet without interrupting distractions!

- Ads, popups, trackers, videos, scripts and more - filtered & cut off!
- Smooth YouTube video watching with no pre-roll & in-video adverts.
- Immediate difference in the speed of Safari browser.
- No more lag! Content loads 4X faster, pages look cleaner and easier to view & scroll!
- A ton of data gets saved! Lower up to 50% on cellular & wi-fi!
- Regular blocklist updates to keep you always armed & ready.
- Stay safe & secure across the web!
- Never dead again! Add hours to your iPhone's battery life!

Get back to your zenful web browsing experience! Good riddance to all the ads out there!

Category : Utilities

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