• BabyTime - Tracker, Breastfeed, Formula, Sleep 1
  • BabyTime - Tracker, Breastfeed, Formula, Sleep 2
  • BabyTime - Tracker, Breastfeed, Formula, Sleep 3
  • BabyTime - Tracker, Breastfeed, Formula, Sleep 4

BabyTime - Tracker, Breastfeed, Formula, Sleep

******************App Store Best of 2016******************
Tracking your baby’s activities: is it really necessary?
The only way your baby can communicate with you is by showing how he’s feeling through his behavior. But there are lots of times when new parents are not 100% certain that they know exactly what their little baby needs. That’s why having knowledge of his natural pattern is important. Even if you miss his sign of discomfort, just knowing his natural pattern will help you understand what he needs.
You can check growth and also figure out what causes your baby’s sickness. See for yourself how much your baby has grown since the week before and if the amount of milk and amount of sleep are steadily increasing. It’s all available in a customizable graph. As a result, you will be able to identify what caused the change in his behavior.
Once you figure out your baby’s natural rhythm and set up a baby routine that works, you can share your baby’s day to your caregiver easily through the app. This will bring peace of mind to you, the caregiver, and most importantly your child.
Now, how can you get started on becoming a more confident parent and raising a healthy baby?
Tip 1 - Turn on our newly added “widget” on settings (located at the top right hand side of your baby’s profile tab) and set up what time you’d like to receive notification on your baby’s next breastfeeding time.
Tip 2 - The Stopwatch feature on our app can be turned on in settings, then choose if you want to turn on stopwatch by “long-press” or by tapping.

Main Features_________________________________

Record Activities
-Record Sleep/ Breastfeeding/ Diaper Change/ Medicine/ Bath/ Baby Food and much more!
-Attach Images, track activity time and duration, keep Quick Memos, and more to record activities with more detail.
-Record activity by using the stopwatch or or manually setting the time.

Sync with other Caregivers
-Record together with your spouse, babysitter, nanny, grandparents,
and other caregivers.

Widget and Push Notification
-Stay updated on sleep, feeding, and diaper changes at a glance with the Widget.
-Hunger notification based on your baby’s daily activity pattern.

-See activities you’ve recorded automatically transform into beautiful and straightforward graphs!
-BabyTime automatically calculates total count, duration, avg of every activity recorded!

-Write day-to-day diary entries of unforgettable moments with your baby!
-See diary entries of 500,000 Dads and Moms in our Community!

-Regularly record your baby’s height, weight, and head circumference and see it turned into a growth curve to analyze how your baby is growing.
-Be able to see how other babies are growing through our community!

-All recorded activities get stored in our cloud server.
-All your data can be restored again by simply logging in.

-Send your baby schedule via iMessage!

5 Reasons to Download BabyTime:

Is your Baby ill? Record your baby’s recent activities and present the records to the Doctor accurately.
Baby sleep training? Make sure you’re keeping up with the routine through graphs on BabyTime
Are you a working Mom or Dad? Monitor your babysitter or nanny by having them share their daily routines with the baby through BabyTime.
Ever wonder what other parents are parenting? Gain insight from our Community!
You can invite others to record your baby’s activities with you!

Contact Us:
[email protected]

Homepage: http://www.simfler.com/

Category : Medical

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