• ButtonBass Trap Cube 2 1
  • ButtonBass Trap Cube 2 2
  • ButtonBass Trap Cube 2 3
  • ButtonBass Trap Cube 2 4

ButtonBass Trap Cube 2

Make beats with the Trap Cube! Tap a cube to start a loop. Tap multiple cubes to make a beats. The green cube will sync the beats and the red cube will stop the beats. Tap the auto mix button to have the cube continuously mix a beat for you. Tap the random mix button for a quick 3 loop mix. The beats are true to Trap music with 808's, pitched vocals, and that Harlem Shake feel! This app features the auto mix options and also a random mix option. You can also control this cube with your keyboard. This app does not have a recording feature built in.

Category : Music

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