• Detection - Object Recognition 1

Detection - Object Recognition

Snap an object, let the app recognise it from a set of 1000 categories such as trees, animals, food, vehicles, people, and more with speaking future that works fast and easy with just a click.

Detector & recognise makes recognising faster and easier than ever before! All you have to do is to tap the screen to snap a picture, it will give you information of what it thinks it looks like, with a rate of confidence. While automatically speaking the information without a single second action needed from you.

- Detecting objects by simply taking a picture of it
- Works offline anywhere in the world
- Recognising a set of 1000 categories such as trees, animals, food, vehicles, people, and more
- Highly integrated machine learning

The simplest and most useful tool made to help you detect any object unlimitedly everyday.

Category : Utilities

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