• DigiBalance 1
  • DigiBalance 2


This is an application that can responds to the weight difference of small object. Comprehensive guidance is provided to facilitate your use. A video demo: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkyNDQ4NTEy.html or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgaidSR2aEk

• Comprehensive instructions are provided to facilitate your use.

• Auto-zero function to minimize the enviroment's disruption, e.g., different surfaces that iPhone is placed on.

• Results can be readily saved and reviewed with object's name and date.

• if you have any doubt on this application, please search youtube for the video name "Demo of Real Balance - an iPhone application" to see the demo.

• note: the use of any kind of case may induce unpredictable effects to the estimation results. If no response when touch the buttons (e.g., "stop"), please check if you put any conductors on the iPhone's surface, e.g., a coin. Such objects will interfere with the iPhone's touch screen and may mis-response to your touch action.

Category : Utilities

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