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Drum Kit

Drum Kit is the simplest way to make your own beats.

Drum Kit is the fastest and most realistic drum app in the App Store. As featured on Apple iPod Touch billboards and TV ads.

Check out Drum Kit in Ke$ha's video Die Young: http://www.youtube.com/user/drumkitapp.

Play along to songs in your iPod Library and record your own versions of them. Layer tracks on top of each other, such as adding cymbals and fills to your existing songs. You can also create your own original songs.

Drum Kit is the perfect app for cranking out that fill for the punchline for lame jokes. But it offers much, much more.

The audio engine in Drum Kit has been designed to provide the fastest possible response on all devices. The latest version has no delay or latency when playing drums. It's impossible to make a faster drum app.

"If you are a drummer or constantly tapping on things, you may really enjoy this app" -Ars Technica

"You know those beats you have always found to be missing in your favorite song? Well, you can make it happen now" – Katie Gatto, bestappleapps.com

If you like Drum Kit, check out Drum Kit 2. It lets you play along to MIDI songs and keep score, like RockBand or Guitar Hero. Search the App Store for "Drum Kit 2".

- 6 piece kit (4 toms, snare, bass, hi-hat (open and closed), crash, ride, splash)
- Acoustic, Electronic, and Industrial themes
- Five different kits: Classic, Rock, Hip Hop, Techno, Dance
- Visual feedback when drum head is tapped
- Professionally recorded, high quality drum sounds
- Play multiple drum heads simultaneously
- Slide finger back and forth between bass drum and pedal for fast double bass for metal songs /m\
- Play along with songs in your iPod library, add beats or fills
- Record tracks, load and edit tracks
- Metronome: tap BPM to set, or set manually
- Recording Count-In

Check out a video of Drum Kit in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suhK7_man2o (New Girlfriend by Reina Delcid)

- Tap the info button on the bottom right
- Tap the record and play a beat. Tap the stop button when done and give your track a name.
- You can play on top of a track while it's playing for multi-track recording
- Use the metronome and count-in for easier recording

You can now slide your fingers across Drum Kit to play rolls. Turn on rolls in Settings and change the BPM (beats per minute) to fine tune your rolls. Try sliding in a circle around toms and snare for instance.


- Drum Kit Pro Upgrade
Includes multi-track recording, iPod library access to play along to songs, metronome, count-in, left-hand mode, rolls and BPM support.

- Electronic Theme Pack
Includes two drum pad-style themes; a retro electronic theme, and a harder-edge industrial theme.

- Kit Remains The Same
A 70's style vintage kit. Includes new kit graphics and studio recorded sounds. The iPad kit has drum animations that pop-out, and a kick pedal that moves.

Follow the developer Twitter: http://twitter.com/shanev

Category : Music

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