• Freediving Apnea Trainer 1
  • Freediving Apnea Trainer 2
  • Freediving Apnea Trainer 3
  • Freediving Apnea Trainer 4

Freediving Apnea Trainer

To soar enough to dive under the water. Prolong your flight.
Freediving apnea timer for beginning and advanced freedivers, underwater hunters, yoga training! Make your apnea stamina better.

One of many uses:
First, determine the maximum breath holding time for this moment, the application automatically calculated tables based on this best time. Then using training plan do the tables and other exercises from apnea trainer (see detailed how-to guide in app)

Capabilities and features:
- Edit existing tables and create your own
- The history of completed trainings with statistics and charts
- Supporting pulse oximeters such as Jumper 500f and other
- Supporting bluetooth devices for heart rate measurements (Mi Band 3 and 4, Polar etc.)
- Improve and save you progress in "Best time"
- Calculate tables based on best time
- Use phone camera for heart rate measurement (see 'Sensors')
- AIDA time notifications during prepare and table breath phase
- Flexible "Square breath" training timer for preparing and relaxation
- Voice and vibration notification of the remaining time
- Ability to mark the start of contractions
- Pause, early transition to the next phase, +10 seconds ability

Improve stamina breath with us!
We are open to get assist in translating the application into your native language :)

Some results here ;)

Category : Health & Fitness

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