• Listia: Buy, Sell & Get Free Stuff on Sale Locally 1
  • Listia: Buy, Sell & Get Free Stuff on Sale Locally 2
  • Listia: Buy, Sell & Get Free Stuff on Sale Locally 3
  • Listia: Buy, Sell & Get Free Stuff on Sale Locally 4

Listia: Buy, Sell & Get Free Stuff on Sale Locally

Check out millions of FREE items other people are giving away nearby!

Over 100 million items have been exchanged for free on Listia!

Listia is a mobile marketplace where you sell things you don't need and get stuff you want in return, for FREE. Earn credits by giving stuff away to reuse, and use those credits to get free stuff you really want from other users. The more you give away, the more free things you can get.

How It Works:

1) Declutter - Sell all the things you don't use - from DVDs to clothing to toys, for free!

2) Earn Credits - Rack up credits when others win your listings.

3) Reward Yourself - Discover and get stuff you'll love from other members or the Listia Rewards Store!

Here is a tutorial for even more information, http://www.listia.com/howitworks

The mobile app makes listing a snap. Simply take a photo with your device, add some details about your item, and post it to Listia instantly. The Listia app will also: show you what nearby users are giving away through the geolocation feature, let you bid on things you want, and notify you any time you're outbid or an item you are watching is ending soon.

Next time you feel like listing something in the free section of craigslist, give Listia a try and see all the cool things you can get in return.
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