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Lower Back Yoga - 7 Classes

Take our very popular lower back yoga class taught daily at our center since 15 years. "Brilliant for Your Back" says UK's premiere "Yoga Magazine". Its effectiveness comes from a clear methodology:

On an anatomical level, we strengthen and stretch all muscles that alleviate compression of the lumbar discs. We first stabilise the vertebrae in a supine position before we strengthen the abdominals with core exercises, lengthen the hamstrings and psoas, and consciously explore hip movement. By the end, with increased space and improved support, the discs feel relief from chronic pain and discomfort.

Beyond the mechanics, we set the rhythm of the class to achieve a deep internal focus, mindful movement, and awareness to remain well within one's comfort zone, all hallmarks of yoga practice. We also relax between exercises to consciously release residual tensions.

We were given a 5-star rating by one app user In the "Reviews" section who wrote "even the short 11 min class can make a difference....Absolutely worth it." (See full review at "https://www.yoga.lu/pages/58" as reviews are restricted to the country App store of user.)

Another app user wrote on his FB page: "It's brilliant. I've suffered with back pain for years probably since my early 20's. I've been doing this for 2 years with no back problems now!" - Sam ...Oct. 2016 (We reposted it on our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Fred-Benders-Lower-Back-Yoga-1489585081290118/)


• Focused breathing to lengthen the lumbar spine
• Abdominal strengthening
• Leg strengthening & stretching
• Hip opening & extension
• Psoas stretching
• Spinal flexion & extension
• Deep relaxation


The '7 Classes' app reuses all 28 practices of the "Full Back Class" to formulate 6 additional classes:

• "Crisis Management" (7 min.) - two practices for when it's safe to start moving again after a back crisis
• "On the Go" (11 min.) - convenient during holiday travel
• "Maintenance Program" (34 min.)
• Three ‘modified’ back pain classes:
for lordosis* (54 min.)
for sciatica* (58 min.)
for SI joint* (52 min.)

*Note: These ‘modified’ classes do not treat these conditions. They simply eliminate practices contraindicated for these conditions so that one can enjoy the same benefit as those taking the full back class.

Further testimonials from students who attend the live classes at our center:

"I had almost resigned about my worsening back pain. When I started the lower back yoga, the effect was immediate, and for the last year, having followed the classes regularly, my back has been better than in 20 years. I even started skiing again." ~ Jonas Winnerlov, 50

"A friend of mine told me about your lower back yoga classes which she describes as a miracle..." - email, 6/20/16

"I am feeling much better today! It’s incredible how a few gentle movements can make the difference." ~ Olivia Roland, 26

Our motto is: Spinal care with love and awareness. You’ll find adding both these qualities to your practice will produce even better results. Have a great class!

Facebook: Fred Bender's Lower Back Yoga
YouTube channel: Fred Bender's Lower Back Yoga
Feedback button on the app to express your experience

Category : Health & Fitness

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