• Lower Back Yoga - Floor Class 1
  • Lower Back Yoga - Floor Class 2
  • Lower Back Yoga - Floor Class 3
  • Lower Back Yoga - Floor Class 4

Lower Back Yoga - Floor Class

This 10-minute “Floor Class” includes 7 exercises from our lower back yoga class taught daily at our center since 15 years. Most practices are done lying on the back to avoid compressing the lumbar discs. You are guided slowly and mindfully as if attending a real class. You’ll be surprised how comfortable and effective these practices are.

Tapping "More Classes" describes our critically-acclaimed “Lower Back Yoga – 7 Classes” app with many classes for back pain:

• crisis management (7 min.)
• on-the-go (11 min.)
• maintenance program (34 min.)
• the full back class (66 min.) - disc-related conditions
• specialty classes: for lordosis (54 min.), for sciatica (58 min.), for sacroiliac instability (52 min.)

UK's Yoga Magazine calls it "Brilliant for Your Back". See "Developer Apps" below.

"A friend of mine told me about your lower back yoga classes which she describes as a miracle..." - email, 6/20/16

"I am feeling much better today! It’s incredible how a few gentle movements can make the difference." ~ Olivia Roland, 26

"When leaving, I felt like I had grown at least an inch, if not two, in height!"
~ Ulla Leppanen, 30

"I had almost resigned about my worsening back pain. When I started the lower back yoga, the effect was immediate, and for the last year, having followed the classes regularly, my back has been better than in 20 years. I even started skiing again." ~ Jonas Winnerlov, 50

Our motto is: Spinal care with love and awareness. You’ll find adding both these qualities to your practice will produce even better results. Have a great class!

Facebook: Fred Bender's Lower Back Yoga
YouTube channel: Fred Bender's Lower Back Yoga
Support - lowerbackyoga.com/support

Category : Health & Fitness

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