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Malindo Air

Booking your flight tickets with MalindoAir just got a lot easier, reliable and versatile with the MalindoAir mobile app. Now you can search and book your flight tickets from anywhere within minutes.
Book Flights
Search and book flights effortlessly
Using the MalindoAir mobile app, Minimize the booking time by selecting your popular destinations and favorite passenger details.
Minimize Data Entry
Add your favorite passengers details to quickly select and book tickets with just few selections, eliminating repeated entry of passenger information every time you make a booking.
Search History - Search Booking History
Efficiently retrieve and view your previous bookings by performing quick search by date, destination, and flight number etc…
My Profile - Manage My Profile
Manage your favorite destinations and favorite passengers for quick booking.
Go ahead, download the free mobile app for booking MalindoAir using your mobile.

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Category : Travel

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