• Mic - News you actually care about, fast 1
  • Mic - News you actually care about, fast 2
  • Mic - News you actually care about, fast 3
  • Mic - News you actually care about, fast 4

Mic - News you actually care about, fast

With the Mic app installed, just looking at your iPhone lock screen keeps you informed.

Beyoncé is always news. LGBTQ rights are human rights. Black lives matter. Mic gives you news you actually care about, when you want it.

Our editors hand-pick the most important stories across the movement for black lives, tech news, fashion, LGBTQ news, politics, feminism and weed. We get smarter as you use the app, so the more you use it, the more personalized your notifications will be.

You can read the stories we send entirely inside your lock screen. No need to open the app at all. Just press the notification and go.

No matter your interests, we’ll make sure you never miss out on news you care about.

If you have any feedback on the app, please let us know! Email [email protected].

Lead the conversation: Download the Mic app.

Category : News

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