• Newsday 1
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Newsday, Long Island's Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper of record, goes wherever you go. Get breaking news bulletins and extensive Long Island local news coverage 24/7 with the Newsday app for iPad or iPhone.

You can subscribe via iTunes for an all-access digital subscription with access to newsday.com and the Newsday app. Your subscription will automatically renew each month through your iTunes account and you can cancel at any time. Access is free for all Optimum Online customers and Newsday subscribers.

Newsday app features:

•Breaking news, sports scores, the latest entertainment stories, business information, and more
•A fully customizable Newsday app for your town or community
•Continuous weather updates and forecasts for your area
•Live traffic cameras and traffic reports
•Downloadable daily newspaper with photo and video features – a benefit for both Newsday subscribers and Optimum Online customers
•Photo galleries and videos of local news, sports, and entertainment events
•Sharing via email, Facebook, Twitter and text message
•An iSend feature to let you share photos and videos with us from your Facebook or Instagram
•Comprehensive Long Island, county and town political coverage
•National and local sports scores and schedules, from high schools to pro

What’s new:

This app is a comprehensive update of the Newsday app with a whole new look and feel and many new or upgraded features that we hope you’ll enjoy.

Personalized alerts

Now you can choose the types of alerts you want to receive, such as breaking news, sports, business, opinion, weather and traffic with an easy to use preference center. Alerts will also open specific stories now rather than just sending you to the top stories section.

Interactive weather map

Our new weather map can be easily customized to show you a variety of weather conditions on Long Island and around the world. It also has a future cast that shows you what the next six hours look like and lets you easily track rain, snow and storms. You can save up to 10 locations for quick reference.

Interactive traffic map

Our new traffic map lets you see up-to-the-minute traffic conditions, plus you can use it to find the fastest route between any two locations in New York and New Jersey. You can save your favorite routes and see live traffic cameras, gas stations and any traffic jams along the way. You can also report traffic accidents or construction you see to share with other drivers.

Section swipe and customized navigation

Now you can easily swipe left and right from section to section rather than having to open them individually through the navigation menu. Our redesigned navigation also lets you customize which sections you want to see and the order you see them in. You can also customize sections for news and information in your community.

More content

Access puzzles and games, obituaries, classifieds and more of your favorite content from the Newsday website.

Share your photos and videos

What you share with your friends, you can share seamlessly with us. Share photos and videos from Facebook or Instagram by connecting your accounts to our iSend feature and help keep Long Island informed.

Sports scores

You can now view full stats from all of your favorite pro sports teams on the scores pages, and see all upcoming games.

Offline reading

When in airplane mode or not connected to the Internet, the text of all articles loaded when you were connected last will be available for you to read. You can also save any article, video or photo for viewing later, just as you could in the last version of the Newsday app.

Facebook comments

Connect your Facebook account for an improved commenting experience.


Find local events, venues and all of your favorite ExploreLI content now in the Newsday app’s Lifestyle sections.

Category : News

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