• OKMaths 1
  • OKMaths 2
  • OKMaths 3
  • OKMaths 4


A great application for everyone, kids and adults, who can train and improve their mental skills!

The principle is simple, you have to earn 4 medals to finish the game.

If you work your table of multiplication, one medal will be won each 10 calculations. You finish the game when you make 40 calculations.

For division, addition, multiplication and subtraction you can decide, in settings, if you want to work with time (the number of minutes a game will last) or calculations (the number of calculation your have to make to win a game).

At the end of each game a score is calculated, taking into account your speed, the level selected and the number of calculations. You can then save your score and challenge your parents of friends to make better than you.

Sounds and visuals incentives stimulate kids and keep them concentrated and motivated. By doing this small exercice daily mathematic mental skills improve rapidly, the table of multiplication are mastered and the mental math calculation becomes easy.

This application for kids and adults enables you to:
- work the tables of multiplication until 12
- work the complement of 10, 20 and 50
- realize calculation (subtraction, division, multiplication, addition) with various level

This application is also quite useful for kids having ADD and ADHD, as it requires a short time of concentration to realize the exercise. By repeating it all along the week the math mental skills improve rapidly.

Category : Education

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