• Self Help Classics - success, self growth & inspiration books 1
  • Self Help Classics - success, self growth & inspiration books 2
  • Self Help Classics - success, self growth & inspiration books 3
  • Self Help Classics - success, self growth & inspiration books 4

Self Help Classics - success, self growth & inspiration books

SALE - Only $2.99 instead of $4.99

Famous thinkers, inventors and self-made billionaires of the past bring you the best classic books on personal growth, business, success and inspiration.

Initial purchase gives you direct access to the best 34 self help books in the library (value over $500 in any bookstores). Grow your library to a total of 60 masterpieces with the Premium Packs.

Apple Staff Favorite and featured on top productivity and self help blogs and books:
* The Southern (thesouthern.com) - "Users can take self-improvement into their own hands with this app"
* App Advice: "great way to lots of excellent content at a low price - well-made and well-stocked."
* 'Incredible iPhone Apps For Dummies' book - "sounds too good to be true but it's good and it's true"
* Michelle McCullough (www.speakmichelle.com) - "If you have a smart phone, you need - and I mean NEED - the app Self-Help Classics"


Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Seneca, James Allen, Florence Shinn, Wallace Wattles, Einstein, Henry Ford and many more:

"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill - the most popular motivational book of all-times
"Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell - most popular motivational speech in history
"The Art of Public Speaking" - Dale Carnegie
"The Master Key System" - Charles F. Haanel
"The Science of Getting Rich" - Wallace Wattles
"Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie" - Andrew Carnegie
"The Art of Money Getting aka Golden Rules for Making Money" - P. T. Barnum
"Certain Success" - Norval A. Hawkins
"The Power of Concentration" - Theron Q. Dumont
"The Way to Wealth" - Benjamin Franklin
"Letters from a Stoic" - Seneca
"Self-Reliance" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"As a Man Thinketh" - James Allen
"Dynamic Thought" - Henry Thomas Hamblin
"Art of War" - Sun-Tzu
"As a Man Thinketh" - James Allen
"The Path to Prosperity" - James Allen
"Self-Reliance" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Self Help" - Samuel Smiles
"The Game of Life and How to Play it" - Florence S. Shinn

.. and tens of others


* All content bundled in, designed for iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
* Great typography with multiple font choices, night mode, autoscroll, page swipe, bookmarks, quotes.
* Experimental optional text-to-speech purchase, with computer generated voice (buy only if you like it and need it)

Category : Books

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