• SFind for Spotify 1
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SFind for Spotify

Know part of the lyrics for a song but can't figure out what the title is or who it's by? SFind lets you figure it out!

Simply enter part of the song lyrics and tap 'Search' and SFind will provide a list of matching songs. Once you select the correct song, SFind allows you to instantly access it in Spotify, in the iTunes store, or on YouTube!

Great for noisy environments where you can't use Shazaam or SoundHound. Also great if you have some lyrics stuck in your head and can't figure out what the song is!

*IMPORTANT: This app is not affiliated with Spotify. You will need to have the Spotify app installed on your device with an active Spotify Premium subscription in order to open and play songs in Spotify; however, all other features of the app will work just fine without Spotify installed.

Category : Entertainment

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