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Speakprose is the easiest, text-based AAC app with full access controls for a non-verbal person. It supports every input mode you could dream of having. Now, you can tap, gesture, switch control or even use your eyes and face to communicate. Say anything by typing your conversation (text-to-speech). And express your needs/feelings/wants through quick blurt answers or by using the sentence builder in this award-winning speech app.

Start speaking with taps, swipes or smiles and glances

Caregivers, Parents, Family, and Professionals like Speech-Language Pathologists, Behavior Therapists, Teachers, Assistive Technologists, Neurologists, and Occupational Therapists can download Speakprose on their own devices so that they can explore the full breadth of communication access and help accelerate the communicators' development and growth.

Eye-tracking included - no extra expensive hardware required

Now, Speakprose offers facial and eye gaze controls for children and adults with severe motor limitations - by upgrading to Speakprose Pro+ from within the app. On an iPhone X or iPad Pro*, you can speak with your eyes and facial expressions.

A new way of tracking your eyes and face with the Apple TrueDepth camera and our patent-pending technology allows you to speak with your eyes. It even works beautifully outdoors - compared to other systems that don't function in bright sunlight.

Compare Cognixion's Speakprose Pro+ cost of $39.99/mo to other Eye Tracking solutions costing over $10,000. Speakprose Pro+ is THE MOST Accessible and Affordable AAC with facial and eye gaze control. Plus, we are always improving the app with updates, so you can count it continuing to get better over time with frequent use.

Personalize it to your exact needs

Choose your own natural voice and customize the pitch, timbre, and speed of the voice. You can personalize the app with custom phrases and link them to specific types of gestures for quick access. Customize any eye-tracking controls by adjusting the eye gaze settings specifically for you or the user.

Practice Interactive chat conversations within the Academy and earn points

Users can also strengthen their social confidence and breakthrough barriers to communication by practicing scripted conversations in the Speakprose Academy.

Daily practice, patience, and encouragement lead to positive outcomes. To help guide learning and to track progress and results, Speakprose also offers a performance dashboard in the users’ profile to show how well they are doing, so that you can reward positive behaviors, effort, and accomplishments.

Designed by users, clinical and scientific experts

Cognixion developed Speakprose in collaboration with Clinical Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP), Linguists, Applied Behavior Analysts (ABA), Cognitive Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Special Education Teachers, Assistive Technology Experts, Parents, and professional aids. It's beyond a language learning app. It's designed to facilitate social engagement and increase the speed of a user's ability to respond to prompts in the real world.


We are here to support you and guide you through every step. Live chat with us in the app or on our website. Just click on the pink chat button icon. Or email us at [email protected].

"The people that I tried Speakprose with have been excited about how quickly they could use it to express themselves." - Megan, SLP.

About Cognixion

Cognixion is a mission-driven technology startup, building affordable accessibility solutions that enable easier access to communication for people living with speech disabilities. This includes autism, down syndrome, Rett syndrome, cerebral palsy, ALS, strokes, traumatic spinal cord and brain injuries.

To learn more, visit http://www.cognixion.com/speakprose


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Category : Education

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