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Vargo Anesthesia Mega App

10 apps in 1 (Mega App)
This app is consist of the book/app "Anesthesia Case Tips"and "9" other Vargo Anesthesia apps combined in 1. So it is now 10 in 1.

This app will frequently be updated with the newest surgical procedures, drugs and drips for FREE!

The 10 apps included into this massive app are listed below:

1. "Malignant Hyperthermia"- Simplified with the latest literature from the Malignant Hyperthermia Association website.

2. "Calculatons"-ABL/EBV, BMI, BSA/CI, MAP, SVR/PVR, Bicarb Deficit and O2 Cylinder Duration. There are no anesthesia drugs doses calculated.

3. "Crises" mini app.
This simplifies the emergencies you may deal with in the world of anesthesia. Algorithms and review notes from Amniotic Fluid Embolism, cardiac, airway and other emergency situations.

4. "Anesthesia Case Tips”- The "Anesthesia Case Tips" book version on Amazon.com is $59. The Case Tips app is one of the top selling anesthesia app on iTunes App Store. It consists of 27 chapters with over 500 cases. The included search engine permits you to find your case within seconds. There is also a “Notes Section” for you to add personal notes for each case. Cases are frequently being added for FREE. Many of the newer cases cannot be found in Jaffe.

5. “Anesthesia Drug Box”-There are no drug calculations in the app, just basic pharmacology information as a review. This app contains over 150 drugs/agents/products that we commonly or only periodically use in the field of Anesthesia. Perfect for students and a good review and quick reference for anesthesia veterans.

6. “Anesthesia Drips”- Common information concerning anesthesia drips. There are no drug calculations.
This is a user-friendly top selling anesthesia app which contains a large list of cardiac and anesthesia drips. With one click, the app explains:
*How to mix your drip.
*Popular mixing concentrations.
*Equations used to get the drip rates as a reference
*Pharmacology notes on how the drug works.

7. “Adult Anesthesia” -This app offers you over 350 drugs as a basic review.

8. “CABG For Anesthesia”- This App is tailored for someone learning to manage hearts in anesthesia. It is simplified but still detailed. It explains:
*CABG cliffs notes you won’t get in class.
*Step-by-step instructions from pre-op to post-op care.
*What to do from the beginning.
*Setting up the room.
*What the surgeon is doing.
*What the surgeon will do next.
*When and what drugs to give.
*Common cardiac drips.
*Coming off bypass & how other experienced anesthesia providers come off bypass.

9. "Blood/TEGs"- Notes on blood transfusion and blood products. TEG review notes and simplified for beginners.

10. "Pediatric Case Tips"-This app contains how we manage close to 100 surgical procedures from start to finish. It was edited by experienced pediatric CRNAs who sit the cases and how they manage them.

Category : Medical

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